rticle somewhere and it was sooooooo me! It helps me a lot in - TopicsExpress


rticle somewhere and it was sooooooo me! It helps me a lot in coping with different kinds of situations. I decided to bring it here after some editing to suit the Nigerian woman. Enjoy! There is a saying that birds of the same feather flock together. Yes. BUT a sky filled with different kinds of birds can be quite interesting and colourful. Women are naturally multi-faceted, in the sense that there are so many sides of a woman. That’s why we can balance tasks and responsibilities so effectively. In the light of this, it is only natural for us to need friends with different kinds of personalities to help us in the balancing act. No matter how “bad”, unserious, or immoral a woman is, there is always something to learn from her, even if it’s about using her life as an example of why you should not go down her path. We need the following kinds of friends; 1. The Career/Business-minded Lady: She’s the go-getter, always working on new projects, in hurry to one meeting/seminar or the other. Always celebrating promotions and or new business conquests. This kind of friend comes in handy when you need someone in your life to motivate you. This kind of friend keeps you asking yourself where you are headed in life and wanting to succeed as well. She will come in handy when you need career/business tips. A real treasure indeed! 2. The Spirit-filled Christian (or Muslim): She is always sending religious BBM BCs, always filled in the spirit, always speaking life into situations, always ready to pray with you. This kind of friend keeps you connected to God when you find yourself straying. She’s there to help build your faith when you are at your lowest low. Praise the lord somebody! Need I emphasize how important this treasure is in your life? 3. The Comedienne/Jester: She doesn’t take life too serious. Always laughing and making others laugh. Easy going and free-spirited. This kind of friend comes in handy when you are in stressful situations such as work, school, or relationship stress and you are in need to a good laugh, something to make you forget the rest of the world for some blissful moments. What a treasure! 4. The Mother Theresa: Bless her soul! What a kind natured, sweet darling! She opens her arms to everyone and is ALWAYS there when you need her, even if all she can do is smile at you, her smiles alone will lift weighs off your shoulders! This kind of friend comes in handy when you need someone to talk to who will not criticize or look down on you. If you need sincere advice, you know where to get it! That one, She’s a ruby! 5. The Family Woman: She’s the proverbial virtuous woman. The almost perfect mother and wife. Her hubby and children praise her to high heavens all the time. This type of friend makes you wish for a happy family like hers. She comes in handy when you want to have a family. You will want to marry her kind of husband and want your kids to turn out like hers. You can count on her for sound advice on how to go about this. Thereby preventing broken hearts from meaningless relationships. What a blessing to our generation! 6. The Artistic Friend: She’s a painter, writer, poet, carver, potter, song writer, etc. She may even look crazy. With dreadlocks, piercings and tattoos, etc. But her eyes shine with inspiration. Her words may not mean anything to you at first, but when you listen more attentively, you can’t help but be awed by the potency of them. This type of friend comes in handy when you are working on a business idea, work/school project, etc. You just can never tell when she will say a magic word that will put all the pieces of the puzzle neatly in place! Wow! Now, that is one hell of a treasure! 7. The Party girl/Social Climber:[/b]She could an aspiring actress, singer, etc. She aspires to be at every social party in town. She hears gist about happening people and is quick give you some juicy details for free. This girl just likes to have fun while dining with the crème de la crème of the society. She may be there already or on her way there. This girl comes in handy when you are bored out of your mind and you need some fun, a good distraction when your heart has just been broken. She will also be highly needed when you need some business connections! I so envy Toke Makinwa’s friends! [b]8. The Materialistic girl: She’s the “Gucci girl” the Christian Loubourtin ambassador. Yeah! Her wardrobe is filled with designer clothes. She drives an expensive car and only dates/moves with people that can lift her financially. This kind of friend comes in handy when you need a reality check in life. She helps you see that there are some people you need to sieve out of your life if you want progress. And yes! This type of friend comes in handy for people in the quality Brazilian hair, jewelry, and designer clothes business. She will ALWAYS need your goods. She helps pay your bills to a great extent. Chikena! Now what a treasure! 9. The Fashionista: [/b]She can NEVER get an outfit wrong. No matter what she wears, even if she wears a rag, she ALWAYS knows how to accessorize, carry it in such a way that makes you wonder in amazement if it’s the same piece of trash you saw in a hand me down store! She basically wears quality clothes, but if she decides to wear a cheap bend-down-select dress, you’ll have NO idea! This kind of friend comes in handy when you need a makeover when you need a new you. She is also the perfect person to call when you have a big occasion to attend and you are worried sick about not being able to dress well enough. Even if you have only a few minutes to think of something to throw on, she will know EXACTLY what to do about it! Now that’s a ruby and y’all should make friends with me! [b]10. The Runs/Aristo babe: (coughs) ok, she’s the girl una over-sabi people like to gossip about. Why won’t you gossip anyway when she’s always with different older men? She deals with the richest of the rich men and is not ashamed about that. She no just send! Anyway, guess what? She actually comes in handy when you need to know some of the reasons why your hubby has a new habit of staying out late. They will teach you how to satisfy your hubby in bed if only you can learn how not to look at them degradingly. Some of them are actually nice and fun to be with and that is why (whether you like it or not) you get the best marital advice from them because some of them end up being paddies with some of the men they date. These men end up spilling out their hearts to them concerning their marriage issues cos they just need someone with no- strings attached to talk to. These ladies end up telling you things you need to watch out for and avoid in your own marriages. Studies have shown that married women who have this bad girl thing in them or the ones who have many bad girl friends actually enjoy better, more fun marriages than the holier- than-thou women! The catch here though is that you must not allow them too close to your hubby if he has money and you are not very sure he’s the kind of man that can control himself. Lol! 11. The gangster-bitc.h: This is the bad bad girl. The agbero babe that is not scared of the sight of broken bottles. Has been involved in many fights anywhere she goes. She might have even done some jail time sef. Yeah. This gangster is one of the most loyal friends you could ever have. Gangsters are loyal to their friends. Simples! She will help you treat fuc.k ups without even getting you into trouble. She’s serves as protection cos people will not want look for your trouble once they know you know her. She will also alert you of any pending betrayals from bad friends, business contacts, etc. Who says she’s not a treasure? So here we are! If you do not have any of these personalities, then go befriend others with the personalities listed here that you lack. I have a mixture of almost all except 7,8,10,11, I have a lil of 8 sha and I’m aspiring 5. Since I started really interacting with friends with the remaining personalities, life couldn’t be more colourful mehn!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 12:15:49 +0000

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