[ the ice princesss final story part 34] *nina says a earth spell - TopicsExpress


[ the ice princesss final story part 34] *nina says a earth spell and gives herself an earth sword* nina: lets see if you two can handle this. *nina puts her sword in the floor and the floor starts to shake.princess yuki looks at ninas sword* sasuke : what is this? satoru: something is coming ! *sasuke walks to satoru* sasuke and princess yuki: what do you think it is satoru? satoru: since that is a earth sword ..I think a rock demon. sasuke: a demon made of rock huh? interesting. *the floor starts to open up and this rock demon comes out* nina: my rock demon go have fun with them. *the rock demon looks at satoru* the rock demon: yes. satoru: I have battled this kinda demon before. sasuke: yeah? how do we kill it? satoru: first I will need my sister. sasuke: I see well then come here hajime ! *hajime runs out of the barrier and runs to satoru* hajime: lets join our attack satoru. satoru: yes. *the rock demon jumps up high and when hits the floor the rock demon makes everyone but the vampires shake.naoki looks at nina* naoki: why did you have to pick that demon? he makes us all shake . *nina looks at naoki* nina: this demon is the best thats why. satoru: I will go first. *satoru shoots his arrow . this arrow has a secret power. the rock demon trys to grab the arrow but the arrow moves away from his hands and gets behind him and then hits the rock demons back. the arrow starts to burn the rock demon* hajime: my turn. *the rock jumps up again and gets the arrow out . the burning starts though.hajime jumps up before the rock demon hits the floor. hajime jumps again and gets on the rock demons right shoulder and then hajime puts her fire sword in the shoulder. starts make the rock demon more hot inside and hajime pulls her sword out and jumps down and walks to satoru* hajime: he should be hot enough now. *the rock demon punchs the floor to make them shake and then the rock demon grabs sasuke tightly* satoru: sasuke -san ! sasuke: if ...your going to do something do it ! satoru: but you... nina: break him. *the rock demon starts to hold him even more tightly.sasuke yells in pain* sasuke: I..will be fine... do it...satoru. *satoru gets out an arrow and gets ready to shoot* satoru thinks: if sasuke gets hurt lady yuki -san wont forgive me . hajime:you have to hurry.* satoru shoots the arrow at the rock demon . the rock demon moves sasuke near the arrows aim . the arrow has water within when sasuke gets hit. he gets all wet* sasuke: great...now im wet. *sasuke undoes the spell on himself* satoru: hmph... nina thinks: that had water...what is he thinking? satoru thinks: I have to hit him. hajime : satoru I have an idea. *hajime whispers in satorus left ear and says: I will get the rock demons mind only on me and then you shoot at him again.* satoru: sounds good. *hajime puts up her fire sword and just wants to use her thunder sword and then looks at the rock demon* hajime: hey you. lets see how you like thunder. *hajime points her thunder sword at the rock demon. hajime s eyes to shine with lighting in them. thunder balls start shoot out her sword aiming at the rock demon. the rock demon uses sasuke to protect itself. sasuke says a shield spell to protect himself* sasuke thinks: that was too close...*sasuke sighs* sasuke: be careful will ya?! hajime: yes um im sorry .* satoru shoots another arrow that has water within and it hits the rock demons chest. the rock demon feels great pain and lets go of sasuke. hajime jumps up and catchs him* sasuke: nice work. *hajime puts him down* sasuke : now he should be easy to bring it down. satoru: yes. nina thinks: first it was fire then water ....hmm. ah now I get it...looks like I picked wrong. *sasuke jumps up and uses his sword to cut the rock demon in half* sasuke: hmph ... what will you do next nina? *sasuke looks at nina* nina: hmm. *nina puts her sword in deeper and holes appear in the floor* hajime thinks: whats coming now? *really hard rocks come out and are able to move on their own* sasuke thinks: that could be trouble. nina: go ! * the rocks head to satoru and hajime . satoru gets an arrow quickly and shoots at the rock coming at him and hajime trys to stop the rock coming at her with her sword but the rock is too strong and ends up hitting her head hard and she falls down and gets knocked out. satoru looks at hajime* satoru: hajime... nina: fool you shouldnt look away ! * another rock comes at satoru and sasuke runs up to it and cuts it in half* sasuke: well I didnt . *sasuke smiles* nina thinks: I almost had him ... nina: I wonder how long you protect him? *satoru looks at nina and gets another arrow out* satoru: I dont need to be but thanks sasuke -san. sasuke: heh anytime.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:09:00 +0000

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