this is why we write- what a beautiful review :D - TopicsExpress


this is why we write- what a beautiful review :D Laura, Wow, what can I say.... I LOVED IT!!!!!! This one tops all the others. The plot was amazing and at the end, well I never saw that coming. I have included my review for you to use as you see fit. Thanks so much for including me in the ARCs It is a privilege to read for you guys. Im really looking for to the next book, I hope you will include me again. Your friend, Donna “Disturbingly Beautiful” review J & L Wells Nell was the governess to Mr Buchannan’s daughter Abigale. After Abigale succumbed to pneumonia Nell decided that with her education that maybe it was time to change what she did, it hurt too bad to lose someone that she cared so much for. Maybe she could teach instead it was something that she needed to decide but not right away. Mr Buchannan’s offer to her to stay until his sister’s arrival and his recommendation for her to become governess to her child was something that she needed to think about. She decided to stick around but after the confession of finding her disturbingly beautiful that he told her she decided that she needed to stay away from him even though he was very pleasing looking he still made her uncomfortable. His sister would not arrive for a couple of weeks so she took this time to further her love for reading losing herself in the fictional stories. She did have a very vivid imagination and at times she found herself reliving one in particular. Finding her real TRUE love! What did I like? The first thing that I like is that this is my favorite genre, time travel. Of course, it is even better when they include two things, romance and mystery. This story has just that. Starting out in the 1800’s is another era that I really like and intrigues me, also having the lead man very handsome does not hurt either. What did I dislike? Well, the only thing I can think of is that the lead character was not me. I would love to first live during that time but second be able to time travel. Maybe it would be wise for me to start in the 21st century go back to the 18th though. What will you like? You will find another well written story developed with vivid details and rich descriptions. You can tell the amount of research that this team does for their books because it shows in the details when they describe the locations and the clothes along with all the other minor events that happen. The clothes are the best, although I feel like I am standing in the same places that they write about. I can safely say that this team has mastered the genre of time travel. This book though tops all of their others. The plot is so involved and has so many twists and turns that when it ended I was totally amazed. I never saw that coming! I know that I along with many others have said that before but believe me when I say this… I NEVER saw that coming in my wildest dreams. I LOVED IT!!!!! Wow, it takes you for a ride that will really draw you in so deep and yet it was SO perfect. I cannot wait for the next book. LOVE THIS :D review from a lovely lady who has read all of our books :D happy happy- roll on 13th of November
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:47:08 +0000

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