updated description our intent and purpose, hope you agree and - TopicsExpress


updated description our intent and purpose, hope you agree and like our new Target (about) ;-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Focusing on the next election, our page is open to all who want a Scotland free from Westminster, greedy politicians, and highly destructive policies. Description This page, whilst it remains Yes Giffnock, is now committed to getting as many independence-supporting MPs and MSPs into seats both in Westminster and Holyrood as possible, in order to create an pro-independence majority in Holyrood, and as large a presence in Westminster as possible. We are tired of the lies and misinformation we are constantly fed by Labour, the Tories, and the LibDems, who seem to be slowly merging into one party. We are tired and disgusted with our national media, who decided not to exercise their right to freedom of speech and for the last few months have reported with great bias. The fact that they are now reporting with a level of positivity regarding the peaceful demos and meetings still taking place in Scotland is much too little and far too late. Apart from the Sunday Herald, not one is deserving of our money. We are focusing on the next election, and making sure the truth continues to come out about Westminster and the corruption within. The policies being supported by all 3 main UK parties are as usual aimed at making the lives of those most in need harder than they are already, and this needs to change. Scotland as a whole has had a political awakening, and we WILL NOT GO BACK to our previous apathy. We want NO fracking, we want NO TTIP, we want NO Trident. We want politicians who work for the people they represent, rather than for their own financial gain and that of their rich friends, and corporations they just happen to have financial interests in. All of which has been and will continue to be highlighted and exposed. We want the monies raised in Scotland to stay in Scotland, in order to tackle and put an end to the unnecessary poverty which exists in many areas, to eradicate the need for foodbanks, and to stop Westminster using OUR oil as a surety in order to gain cheap loans. Westminster has called us a burden on the rest of the UK. If that were true, would they have fought so hard to hang on to us? The bottom line is, THEY need US. Not the other way round. Its time to put an end to them taking the profit made in Scotland and giving us a pittance in return. Since the referendum the last-minute Vow has failed to meet expectations. Many members of the 3 parties do not agree with the promises they have made to Scotland and there is little chance that they will vote in support when these promises have to be voted on in the House of Commons. One of several parts they forgot to mention when they stapled it together. When we fell for similar promises in 1979, we were rewarded with the destruction of our industries and punished with the Poll Tax. This time, our reward for not taking the power out of Westminster and back to Holyrood, we will be rewarded with the unnecessary destruction and poisoning of our environment, our Human Rights being removed, and our standards on many things lowered to the level of the America, thanks to the secret deal being negotiated with TTIP, to name but a few, and there is more, LOTS more. None of it is good. Unless you are fortunate to be among the 1% of very rich people. We want to open the eyes of those of the apathetic middle-classes who dont really care one way or another and fail to have much consideration for their fellow Scots, to the dangers now being faced which do not discriminate between classes. They will be affected by environmental consequences as much as the working class will, and they need to realise it before it is too late. We have one last chance in the near future, of saving ourselves from this and taking our country back. This page is committed to achieving this.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:42:29 +0000

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