(warning: preachy content) I took me 25 years to learn this, but - TopicsExpress


(warning: preachy content) I took me 25 years to learn this, but here goes: #1: Never put other people down. Use your words to inspire. Be a positive influence on as many people as you can. If I could do work to achieve anything in my life, it would be to inspire others to work hard and succeed. You all have the ability to be extraordinary human beings, you just need to believe it. #2: Love yourself. You cant have successful relationships until you are comfortable in your own skin. #3: Work hard. Life gives you what you put into it. Ive learned that nothing works unless you do. Bring the attitude that you will be the best, and reap the rewards. Ive never wanted to mediocre in my endeavors. #4: Dont compare yourself to others. Everyone follows their own path in life. You are no better and no worse than the richest and poorest. Realize that you are exactly where you need to be, and continue heading in the the right direction. #5: Step outside your comfort zone as often as possible. The body doesnt want to change naturally. If youre scared of heights, jump off the highest diving board, climb the highest mountain. Control your fear or it will control you. #6: Learn about psychology. Read Freud, Nietzsche, Calvin, Locke, Hobbes, Socrates, etc. We are taught hard sciences in school, but scarcely learn about why we act the way we do. We are driven by our relationships with others, so do yourself a favor and understand the dynamic behind these interactions. #7: Negative experiences can build you or break you. If you get rejected, put down, alienated, dont let it define you. Learn from it and let it make you stronger. Every negative experience is an opportunity to grow. You can sulk or you can succeed. You do yourself no favors by feeling sorry for yourself. Count the positives and youre headed in the right direction. #8: Tell people how you really feel. Dont hide behind false pretenses. People will respect you for your honesty. Youre not doing anyone any favors by sugar-coating your opinions. #9: Go for it. Dont be paralyzed by fear of failure. Youll never know until you try. This applies to all aspects of life. #10: Find someone you communicate exceptionally well with, and keep them in your life. My fondest memories are of sleepless nights spent talking about nothing with my closest friends. #11: Be confident, but humble. You will earn the respect of your peers. When you achieve great things, dont forget to give back. #12: Disregard advertising. #13: Find out not what, but who you want to be. Not what your parents or your teachers want you to be, but you. Dig deep down and ask yourself, who am I? What makes you happy? #14: Surround yourself with people that inspire you. You are the average of the 6 people you hang out with the most. If you want to change your life, you might have to change your company. #15: Never be afraid of being alone. You get to know yourself best in solitude. #16: Be proud of who you are, and dont be afraid to enjoy the recognition you will inevitably receive from working hard. However, be careful not to indulge excessive attention seeking behavior. #17: Never stop learning. The more you know, the more you realize how little you know. Dont be afraid of being wrong. Each mistake is a chance to learn. Keep educating yourself further in the subjects youre passionate about. #18: Break the rules. Its impossible to be a true maverick without breaking the rules. Some rules can be bent, some rules can be broken. Blaze a trail, be an original. #19: Lift heavy. Take a multi. Drink more water. Smile more. Learn Jiu-Jitsu. Love more. Play less videogames. Be passionate. Take more nature walks. Breath in. Breath out. You have 86,400 seconds every day. Spend them wisely. If youve made it this far... thanks for reading. Well see what I know when Im 26. Stay Safe.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:23:57 +0000

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