when will the people of europe wake up and realize that muslims - TopicsExpress


when will the people of europe wake up and realize that muslims and their islamic religion and shariah law runs counter to everything that the countries of europe stand for. though these monsters have been caught and convicted, remember, there have been many more muslim monsters now in jail. have any muslim or muslim group in europe ever denounced these monsters? this foreboding silence already gives you a clue as to what their aims are. that of the total subjugation of the united kingdom. and they have no qualms of making it known to everyone. rise up people of europe! ! ! wake up to the danger of islam and its shariah law. do not deport these monsters nor extradite them to a muslim country that would only hail them as heroes. do not deport nor extradite these monsters to any other country which they would use as a waypoint to return to a muslim country. why do you allow them to block your streets for their ritual prayers? why do you allow them to stage protests proclaiming their true intention of subjugating the world? why do you allow them to form religious / shariah vigilantes in your own streets? why do you allow them to rape your women and children? i will post this repeatedly and i will say it over and over again, the insanity and evil of islam invented by their insane sociopathic, mysogynistic, pedophile prophet named muhammad and its evil allah. muslims unabashedly proclaim their true intentions of subjugating the world. dont delude yourselves into believing otherwise. so-called moderate muslims would delude you into thinking and believing they are a religion of peace. they do this under the doctrine of taqqiya. the doctrine of taqqiya instructs all muslims to lie, cheat, deceive and lull you into complacency so they can subjugate or destroy you. DONT BE DECEIVED! ! ! RESIST ISLAMIC EXPANSION AND SHARIA LAW FROM BEING INTRODUCED AS PART OF THE LAWS OF THE LAND. Islam: What the West needs to know (full documentary) youtube/watch?v=krvCQbzPKiI apostates.weebly/4-stages-of-islamic-conquest.html
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:56:51 +0000

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