your father can live an ocean away and it will ache like a stone - TopicsExpress


your father can live an ocean away and it will ache like a stone in the sea but you will be okay. a boy can hold your heart and throw it deep into the lake but you will be okay. because those horrible things don’t define you. the way that you sing in the shower and the way you hold back your tears, that defines you. how you drive with the windows down and feel at peace. how you look at someone when it matters. how your heart thumps thumps thumps when you run and it reminds you that you are alive in spite of all of the bad you have faced. the intricacies and the maze of your mind defines you. you are incredible. you are so much more than the hardship, you are so much more than the family you appeared in. imagine, just imagine all the things that exceed what you have experienced. all the lives you get to continue living, moment by moment. all the joy you can spread the second you decide to. all the people you can smile with. imagine sitting next to a woman on the bench and listening to her heartbreak and healing just some of her hurt. imagine creating a family and filling it with so much love that it could burst at the seams. these are the things that define you. not what happens to you, but what you make happen and who you are. you are the most lovely and beautiful thing, all of your veins and bruises and blood and teeth and eyelashes. love who you are and take care of yourself. don’t believe the people who say that the heartbreak or the divorce or the death or the car wreck or the hospitals or the rape or the depression or the whatever defines you. yes, they impact you and press down on you at night and during the day and all the time, it may seem. but you are so much bigger than all of those things. you surpass all of those experiences ten fold. listen to your heartbeat. think about the millions of times your heart has beat, since the day you were born, since the first minute you came into this world and even sooner. experiences are fleeting. they are minuscule in the face of the thousands of heartbeats ahead and behind you. let them go. be present with yourself and with all the love that is around you. press flowers in your journal. drink your tea. look outside and stare into the sun that has been shining for thousands of years. how courageous, how brilliant. just like you.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:43:55 +0000

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