here is a question: what would the world - TopicsExpress

   here is a question: what would the world look like without black people? working on this project made me realize that: 1. i’ve been missing out on some good music for my soul (educate me Lillian), 2. that moral support really works (thanks Elaine) 3. that i fall in love with people too easily in the editing room (e.g., the big teddy bear in red, the wise, humble man in the grey hoodie, the beautiful mother and father of 7 beautiful kids, not to mention the endearing, dorky MIT guy and everyone who didn’t make it into the cut… ah the life of an editor…), 4. that there is no denying that i, too, have racist thoughts and i better catch myself whenever i have my snap judgments, 5. that the ability to really understand others, esp those with different experiences, requires incredible self-reflection and repentance, 6. that the world is FAR MORE unfair and unjust as i had imagined, 7. and that a lot of that has to do with my own prejudices, 8. that its not so hard to strike up a conversation with someone who looks different from me, 9. that it all seems so hard yet SO simple, 10. that i can be better. we all can do better, 11. that its really been my loss for missing out on all this beauty God has created around me. im incredibly honored that people opened their hearts up to us and entrusted us to share this important message with you all. this is our heart and dream as well. and finally, thank you Eric I. Lu for leading this project. im so glad you mustered up the courage and gave what little precious time you have to pour your heart into this project. very much inspired by you and the team.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:59:14 +0000

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