Bill Garrett If your attempting to make a - TopicsExpress

   Bill Garrett If your attempting to make a statement about Harper or anything Canadian...why are you linking to a story about the American Federal Reserve? Linda Says Hello Global Government Elite Hitlers New World! Order, research is needed now. Research all the other videos to there. Bigger picture. intellihub/2013/11/13/federal-reserve-whistleblower-tells-america-the-real-reason-for-quantitative-easing/?fb_ref=above-post&fb_source=message More below. Please share. If you dont know why you live in Fear, then just stop!, its all tricks of that Haarp Machine. Research is needed.! https://facebook/stephen.sinner.9 youtube/watch?v=eUd9rRSLY4A on.rt/52qg61 This has done and will do a lot of really really bad things to even this planet, if we the people leave bad men in control any more guys. Hundreds of these all around this world, in there new world order. on.rt/wg58pj https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=603443286381655&set=a.136108909781764.23145.100001479684094&type=1&relevant_count=1 Breaks my Heart that Humanity is still! going through this Evil, when, is enough is enough!!!, maybe when its you!. Please, re-post what you can, Help is needed now. The Sun is a porthole to come back and forth from this planet and others in this universe. Earths People are waking up and trying to heal all!, yes even our Fallen Angels, even our Soul Brother Lucifer, and all!, our Fallen Angels bigger picture guys, things are like a Soap Opera right now, to a lot, of other planets right now and God, and all Angels many many more, and growing. Bigger picture going on right now. I mean how cool. :) You have to know youre Loved by now, right. Divine intervention is here!, and that will grow, if you! join us. The magic of Gods Love. Your Soul, knows something is up right now. In that Bible, God promised you this, he will never abandon you. You have to know this. God is the Boss, not a sick Fallen Angel, that we want healed now, because we Love him, and if!, you do to, then quit him, so we can heal him. Please. Would you like to always live in pure, Anger like Satan the Devil lives in over you, I think not!. Abandonment when God left the Heavens for 1 week, where Lucifer lived with God. Bigger picture of abandonment issues of mental illnesses that grew.! If one keeps in mind, that all! Souls that came from God, are!, an extension!, of Gods Soul. As Queens, and Kings, as an inheritance for Gods Children all of us, all!, and tons more wealth in so many many ways, is a dream that, we all can! make come true in our Souls eternity! in our adventure of our Souls together, bigger picture. Tons and tons of really cool and good! Souls, from other planets, from all other universes, and galaxies, etc... etc... bigger picture yet to happen, with our consent. Theres more that is good from God, then the 1%, that are bad, from the Fallen Angels, bigger picture guys. In this Holy war, our consent, can go our way, if we all unite. Bigger picture. youtube/attribution_link?a=Yu0ZTnHVH26vmhK-1B1IGw&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D127BR5b8Hm4%26feature%3Dshare Demons break all!, of Gods commandments. This is food for thought. Lets say, instead of just one that rules everyone, lets say a panel of debaters, that the People put in, instead of the 120 Elite Illuminati Freemasons billionaires that put in office over the People as their slaves, and ones that really work for the People instead of just the Elite, bigger picture of change for the good. A web site, where the People could talk with this panel, of what the People want to see happen. No more parties of the left arm or the right arm, of the same Beast, could ever happened again in a bad way, bigger picture. When the many give consent by doing nothing about anything, is how the Evil ones still run control over the many even you. So, you say you Love your Loved ones in your! Heart. Bigger picture in this Holy war with the Evil ones, and their short time to rule, if you know what I mean. https://facebook/pages/I-AM/446156082064420?fb_action_ids=10153303271035594& When the Police were watching Mr Ford, and seen the drug transaction going down, why did they not go and confiscated the cocaine on Rob Ford as proof, and put him in prison for Illegal crimes. Because, Police etc... etc... work for just one! man!, Rob Ford!. And you wonder why he can think he is God over you!. Bigger picture going on in this Holy war. Elite Nazi Hitler Exposing the truths of the Illuminati Freemason, Elite Nazi German, that Elite Illuminati Freemason that Queen of England is!. Research is needed now. Bigger picture to wake up to. Demonic Cult Occult! Secret society that Kennedy was telling us about, scam of Fraud! in tons of different ways. And a lot of them are wanting out now. There not! ashamed of any of this, keep this in mind. Thats why they dont care what we know, we keep doing nothing to them, they think they are Gods of the Elite, period. Its up to Humanity! to show them otherwise. Bigger picture going on.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:20:35 +0000

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