يوم الدين - Yawmud-Deen [Day of Judgment] (1:4) يوم - TopicsExpress


يوم الدين - Yawmud-Deen [Day of Judgment] (1:4) يوم الآخر - Yawmul-Akhir [Last Day] (2:8) يوم القيامة - Yawmul-Qiyamah [Day of Resurrection] (2:85) يوم لا ريب فيه - Yawmul Laa Rayba Feeh [A Day about which there is no doubt] (3:9) يوم عصيب - Yawun-Aseeb [A Distressful Day] (11:77) يوم مجموع - Yawmun-Majmoo [A Day where mankind will be gathered together] (11:103) يوم مشهود - Yawmun-Mashhood [A Day when all will be present] (11:103) يوم لا بيع فيه ولا خلال - Yawmul-Laa Bayun Feehi wa Laa Khilaal [A Day on which there will be no mutual bargaining nor befriending] (14:31) يوم الوقت المعلوم - Yawmul-Waqtil-Maloom [Day of The Time Appointed] (15:38) يوم الحسرة - Yawmul-Hasrah [Day of Distress] (19:39) يوم عقيم - Yawmun-Aqeem [Day of Disaster] (22:55) يوم لا مرد له - Yawmun-Laa Maraddalah [A Day which none can avert it] (30:43) يوم البعث - Yawmul-Bath [Day of Resurrection] (30:56) يوم الفتح - Yawmul-Fath [Day of Decision] (32:29) يوم الفصل - Yawmul-Fasl [Day of Sorting Out] (37:21) يوم الحساب - Yawmul-Hisab [Day of Account] (38:16) يوم التلاق - Yawmut-Talaaq [Day of Mutual Meeting] (40:15) يوم الآزفة - Yawmul-Aazifah [The Day That Is Drawing Near] (40:18) يوم التناد - Yawmut-Tanaad [The Day When There Will Be Mutual Calling] (40:32) يوم الجمع - Yawmul-Jami [Day of Gathering] (42:7) يوم الوعيد - Yawmul-Waeed [Day of Warning] (50:20) يوم الخلود - Yawmul-Khulood [Day of Eternal Life] (50:34) يوم الخروج - Yawmul-Khurooj [Day of Coming Out] (50:42) يوم عسر - Yawmun Asir [A Hard Day] (54:9) يوم نحس مستمر - Yawmu Nahsim Mustamirr [A Violent Day] (54:19) يوم التغابن - Yawmut-Taghabun [Day of Mutual Loss & Gain] (64:9) يوم عسير - Yawmun-Aseer [A Hard Day] (74:9) يوم الحق - Yawmul-Haqq [Day of Truth] (78:39) يوم الموعود - Yawmul-Mawood [Promised Day] (85:2) الساعة - As-Saaah [The Hour] (6:31) الواقعة - Al-Waqiah [The Event] (56:1) الحاقة - Al-Haqqah [The Reality] (69:1) القارعة - Al-Qariah [The Striking Hour] (69:4) الطآمة الكبرى - At-Taammatul-Kubra [The Greatest Catostrophe] (79:34) الصاخة - As-Sakhkhah [The Trumpet Blast] (80:33) الغاشية - Al-Ghashiyah [The Overwhelming] (88:1). My Dear Brother and Sisters It’s too hard Day Still we have time to Learn Quran and Sunnah And ask from Allah to forgive us . In the last I finish… my topic To this ayah: كُلُّ نَفسٍ ذائِقَةُ المَوتِ ۗ وَإِنَّما تُوَفَّونَ أُجورَكُم يَومَ القِيٰمَةِ ۖ فَمَن زُحزِحَ عَنِ النّارِ وَأُدخِلَ الجَنَّةَ فَقَد فازَ ۗ وَمَا الحَيوٰةُ الدُّنيا إِلّا مَتٰعُ الغُرورِ Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities [Surah Al-Imran 185]
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:21:38 +0000

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