ॐ Namo ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ - TopicsExpress


ॐ Namo ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ ॐ Namo ॐनमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ Varahamihira ~ The Great & Great Astrologer. There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life ॐ--Varahamihira~ॐ* The saying Fate is inevitable reminds me of the True story of a legend, Mihira (also known as Varahmihira). With the prediction coming true, Mihira was known as Varahamihira from that day. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* We have many desires and hopes in our life. When the things are not working according to our wishes, we get depressed and may consult an astrologer for the future predictions. A good astrologer should tell your fate without any hesitation and you should be ready to face the destiny. Fate is inevitable. If you are destined to marry twice, you will definitely marry twice. If you are destined to get loss in your business, you will definitely suffer losses. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The saying Fate is inevitable reminds me of the story of a legend, Mihira (also known as Varahmihira). *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* King Vikramaditya had nine extraordinary people, known as the Nine jewels (navaratnas) in his court. Mihira was one among the nine jewels in the court. He was a great mathematician and renowned astrologer of his time. His great works on Astrology were Brihat Jataka, Pancha Siddhantika and Brihat Samhita etc. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* One day King Vikramaditya asked his astrologers to predict his son’s future. All of them studied the boy’s horoscope and predicted that the prince would face death at the age of 18. The death might be from injuries inflicted by animal. However, Mihira was more precise and predicted that the boy would be killed by a boar (varaha) at a particular date and time. He also said that, there was no remedy to save him. The king declared that Mihira would be crowned with the Royal title “Varaha”, if the prediction comes true. Until the age of 18, the prince was enjoying his life to the fullest. However on the day that Mihira predicted to be fatal, the King took all precautions to avoid animal entry into the palace. The Prince was sent to the top floor with enough security. Knowing that no animal can reach the prince and being sure of his safety, the King instructed Mihira to check his predictions again. However Mihira was confident about his predictions and the whole kingdom was waiting for the outcome. After the predicted time of death passed, King asked Mihira to recheck his predictions. Mihira stated that the prince was dead and the king can go to check himself personally. The King reached the top floor of the palace and observed that the companions of the prince were playing. The companions informed the king that the prince was playing with them and it was only just a short while ago that the prince went to the adjacent terrace. On reaching the terrace, the king found the prince lying dead in a pool of blood. The prince was stabbed to death by the metal claws of the artificial boar that was installed on the tower of the palace. The boar (varaha) was the Royal emblem of the Kingdom. Minutes before his death, the prince had gone to terrace while playing and he was hit by the artificial boar statue that broke because of the strong winds. The boar fell on the prince causing deep injuries and death was due to loss of blood. With the prediction coming true, Mihira was known as Varahamihira from that day. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* ॐ Namo ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ ॐ Namo ॐनमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ Our Permanent benefits is lies in becoming BHARTIYA, भारतीय. Every Bartiya Maa, भारतीय मां ( Indian Mother) of Bharat Varsha (India) must generate (Birth) BHARTIYA, भारतीय (Indian),, not to Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Jain & so forth for the welfare of Humanity & Nature i.e. Divine Five Tattwa : Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Aksh (sky, Ether, Infinite), so WE Bhartiya will able to Maintain INTEGRITY, अखंडता of BHARAT VARSHA, भारत वर्ष every moment. & again we will be JAGAT GURU, जगत गुरु.. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism ~ॐ* सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥ May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism ~ॐ* What is Moddism? Growth is Not Taught - It is Caught for Welfare of Humanity. MODDISM change & Manifestation is a challenge of every Indian & Her Neighbor Countries for Service & Duty for awakening & Welfare of Humanity & Nature i.e. Divine Five Tattwa : Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Akash every Moment to over come GLOBAL WARMING according their Ancient Culture of Vedanta. *ऊँ ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ऊँ* RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT (Karma, Actions) for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism ~ॐ* ॐ Namo ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ नमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ ॐ Namo ॐनमो ॐ ॐ Namo ॐ The True , Sober, Genuine, Gentle man or woman of Dharma ( Religion, Code of Righteousness every moment in family, Society & so forth) is a Rebellion, a profound Revolution, a Whirlwind in the midst of all that tends toward stagnation, fixity, deadness. The true force of Socially, Religiously & Spirituality is a cool breeze blowing down from the Mountain Heights bringing new and fresh air into the world of mediocrity. It Awakens, Enlivens, and makes the heart, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) bold and courageous for the welfare of Humanity. The awakened heart, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) intervenes in affairs of ordinary men and women provoking one and all with an invitation. Only the one swooned in the Vajra Heart Essence of wisdom and compassion has a deathless joy that can truly afford courage. of every Indian... *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* MODDISM change & Manifestation is a challenge of every Indian for Service & Duty for awakening of Humanity, MODDISM change & Manifestation is the change of Heart, mind, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) of every Indian, MODDISM change & Manifestation is a change of attitude of every Indian, MODDISM change & Manifestation is a change of way of life of every Indian, MODDISM change & Manifestation is the change of recognized of every Indian, MODDISM change & Manifestation is the change of mysterious of every Indian, MODDISM change is the change to solitude of every Indian, MODDISMchange is the change to perfection of every Indian, MODDISMchange is the change to unknown ethics of every Indian, MODDISM change is the change to supremacy of every Indian, MODDISM change is the change to divinity of every Indian, MODDISM change is a change to know the real self i.e. Self Realization of every Indian... *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* *ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*~ॐ~श्री*ॐश्री*श्री*ॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐॐश्री*~ॐश्री* The IMBIBE Qualities of Leadership for Reform the Every Country of World. * ॐ ~Ancient Chankya~ ॐ* (1). A leader should be down to Earth like Mahatma Gandhi. If he becomes High- Fly he can be carried off the centre & crash. (2). A wise leader should first select a person by his good work and then should delegate him the work. (3). The leader should not take all the credit for what happens. He should have no need for FAME. (4). A Moderate Ego in the Leader, Demonstrates his wisdom. (5). A Leader should remain open and receptive . He should not take sides. (6). HE should remain Conflict -Free and should be in a position to breathe freely and remain relaxed even in the presence of passionate fears and desires. (7). He should learn to lead in a nourishing manner, should be Gentle and shoid not Dominate nor should be Coerce. (8). A Leader should know what is emerging and should keep CALM with whatever are the Results. (9). A Leader should not be emotional and possessive. (10). A Leader should be a Good Man. * ॐ ~Ancient Chankya~ ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA https://youtube/watch?v=BqRmHQNsgtk facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361 Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA,EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHAetyca, Prarabdha ~ॐ*
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 10:27:50 +0000

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