「浮遊物が見えるのはなぜでしょう」 Eye Floaters - TopicsExpress


「浮遊物が見えるのはなぜでしょう」 Eye Floaters – Causes, Risks & Cures Almost everyone gets occasional specks in front of their eyes. These specks are known as eye floaters and are especially common when looking directly at a light background, or when feeling light-headed. The perception of floaters is medically known as myodesopsia. What are floaters? Eye floaters are little specks of debris floating through the vitreous fluid in the eyeball. Sometimes people may momentarily confuse them with dust or tiny insects floating across in front of the eye. However, they are within the eyeball and are not eliminated by rubbing the front of the eye. They follow the rapid movements of the eye while drifting slowly from one place to another. If floaters didn’t move, they would be invisible due to a process called neural adaptation. Who Sees Floaters? Floaters are extremely common and almost everyone has them. However, there are cases when floaters become too numerous and can have a negative impact on one’s quality of life. They can also interfere with activities such as driving, reading and using the computer. Are They Serious? Under normal circumstances, eye floaters are absolutely nothing to worry about. Almost everyone experiences them and they cause no ill effects. When Should I Start to get Worried? Specks in front of the eyes are normally clearly visible when looking into a light background. However, if they start becoming visible in every background, suddenly increase in number and are accompanied by any loss of vision, it is vital that immediate medical advice is sought. This could be an early sign of retinal detachment. If the retina has become detached or has a hole in it, you will begin to experience flashing lights before your eyes and you will also be aware of numerous floaters. These two symptoms will be accompanied by a loss of vision, so urgent medical advice is necessary. Surgery is required to seal any holes in the retina, or to re-attach the retina to the back of the eyeball. Is There a Cure? We have researched every possible method to cure eye floaters ranging from natural treatment to surgery. If your floaters persist, we recommend reading about the Eye Floaters Solution. What Causes Eye Flashes? Ordinarily, light entering your eye stimulates the retina. This produces an electrical impulse, which the optic nerve transmits to the brain. The brain then interprets this impulse as light or some type of image. If the retina is mechanically stimulated (physically touched), a similar electrical impulse is sent to the brain. This impulse is then interpreted as a flicker of light. When the retina is tugged, torn or detached from the back of the eye, a flash or flicker of light commonly is noticed. Depending on the extent of the tear or detachment, these flashes of light might be short-lived or continue indefinitely until the retina is repaired.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:20:37 +0000

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