(1) Where Would You Like to Retire and (2) What Should Theresa May - TopicsExpress


(1) Where Would You Like to Retire and (2) What Should Theresa May Read for Christmas are equivalent morphisms to this article: zerohedge/news/2014-12-23/second-passport-lessons-steve-wozniak-and-albert-einstein [Notice the vast disjunction of the paths equivalence...] (2) The Bad News. For those outside of England, Theresa May, is the Conservative Partys Home Secretary. She has done more to dismay the wise and the scientific brains of England with a proposed policy to kick out foreign students when they graduate than Hitler did in the early 1930s. Kick out the smart ones after weve trained them up to be allegedly world class brains? Real Smart, policy, eh? I make the historical analogy explicit because the Conservative Partys focus on de-immigration on the basis of fairness and economics is so dum and racist that my friends in Europe and around the world are wondering whether England itself (not just Theresa) is becoming, how shall we say in the impossibly best English way, shoddy? Becoming?, I respond Its entire elitist class structure is still trying work its way through the genuine implications of the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. The class-society hasnt figured out or refuses to accept that the de facto implication of anti-slavery is inter-racial marriage and the Black James Bond is a direct line to a future Mulatto King or Queen of England. In England, since we are asked to complete forms that declare our ethnic background whenever we apply for a job, then why not take this data re the top managers and administrators of government-run or people-subsidized institutions and publish these ethnic statistics prominently? Why not? For then, youd see a distinction between de facto and de jure, and the continuously hypocrisy thereby implied. (1) The Good News. There are wonderful places to live, work, study and die trying to make a living in the world. Ive been very lucky to travel to 20 countries in the last two years. My only advise is that if you have a chance to work with people who are more intelligent than you, kinder than you, richer than you, and you can pursue your secret hobbies openly, then you are genuinely blessed and you should stay THERE wherever there is. If you find where you are is the opposite, then I wish you luck on your escape plan. One of my FB friends plagiarised it nicely: Fall in love...and let it kill you.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:56:47 +0000

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