#WORTH #THINKING #ABOUT #IT! LET US ASK A DISCIPLE! DISCIPLE NUMBER 6 DISCIPLESHIP WITH BRO. JOHN- THE BELOVED! Bro. #Christiantoday: Hello brother John, the beloved. It is a privilege to speak with you. John: The pleasure is mine. Thanks for using my label- The beloved. Bro. Christiantoday: But Sir, why give yourself such a title? John: Thanks, it is my interpretation of the relationship Jesus offered me, shared with me and expresses through me. I believe that you have met my brother, James and he would have shared a bit of his experience but I tend to think my experience was unique. Bro. Christiantoday: Unique! In what way? John: Yes it was unique because Jesus revealed who He was, who He is and who He would be to me. You know I wrote four books in the New Testament and the Gospel of John is the only book out of the Gospel narrations that began its story from Heaven. Every other Gospel began with the earthly lineage of Jesus Christ but I knew there was another side, people ought to know; In the beginning was the word was the first thought that came to my heart. This Jesus was the word of God that created all things and it has now become flesh which we all can see. What grace and truth we have received...wave after wave...Jesus grace is revealed. God was simply telling us- if truly I love you I will find a way through my word to get to you. Only through His word not Church or pastor. Bro.Christiantoday: Sorry but that is why some people find your books very mysterious. The other Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke all seem to follow normal patterns but you began with Jesus was God who became the lamb that takes away the sin of the World. John: Jesus Christ took me everywhere to see things only very few saw. The raising of Jairus daughter in Luke 8, the wonderful transfiguration on the mount where Moses and Elijah of Old came to Old a meeting with Jesus in Matthew 17 and also the revelation on the Island of Patmos where I saw those things that were about to be. I knew only love could have given that opportunity. A disciple who does not grasp the love of God, will live a frustrated life. I wish all disciples will cry that beyond mere confessions- LOVE WILL BE REVEALED. That Love of God(not your love for Him) will unlock several truths. The world is filled with frustrated disciples whose commitments are faltering. The day I saw Jesus as Love, I knew nothing else matters. So cast on the island of Patmos, I only saw it as an opportunity to mediate on love and see what happened. I am His beloved I declare with joy. Bro. Christiantoday: Are you saying what makes a disciple to stay hooked to Jesus is not just a disciples love but the revelation of Gods love to that disciple? John: Yes, it is not enough to love Him. Knowing His love makes you know God in a personal and heavenly way. Pardon me but God is prodigal with His love for a sinner, He spent it all when Jesus died. I ask what if I humanity refuses His love? It is as if God just didnt care about my what ifs- HE JUST LAVISHED HIS LOVE. Bro. Christiantoday: I have always wanted to love Him and show him but this is a different teaching- knowing HIS LOVE will help me know God in a deeper way? John: When Jesus rose, I ran to the tomb ahead of Peter in John 20:1-9 and it was because I was there when Christ was judged by the High Priest. I saw them beat and mock Him. Every one talks about Peter denying Jesus but I was there too. I did not to help Him, yet Christ never mentioned my betrayal, it was as if I never betrayed Him. John 18:15-17 reveals this. I betrayed Jesus and my betrayal was the worst. Did you not read in John 18 that I knew the High priest personally, yet I stood there and did nothing. See why I said; Understanding Gods love for you inspite of, must be the background for your discipleship. Paul asked; Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Many people think he was talking about our(human) love for God. NO it is His love for us. See what Romans 8:37 says; But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through HIM WHO LOVED us. It is Him who loved us. Bro. Christiantoday: I have been trying to love Him but now I know I cannot understand how to love without knowing HE LOVES ME. John: Yes...a disciple can not live outside of that truth. The devil will tell you, you are no more His child but when you know what holds you is His love, that changes your life. So you are able to love Him back. That is why I gave four pursuits of a disciple; This is what we proclaim to you: what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and our hands have touched concerning the word of life... Thus we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.. We have found all these in the word of Life revealed to us-we heard, we saw, we have examined and we touched. Today you can experience the same and have fellowship with Jesus and the father. His love opens the way through His word. The God of the Bible eagerly awaits your honest desire so he can pull you into the World of the Bible and you will hear, see, look and touch- God. Bro. Christiantoday: Thank you so much. Now I know my pursuit as I study the word. I must seek to hear, to see, to examine and touch the word. Thank you so much. John. You are welcome. Please remember never approach the word like you have read it before. Some people read the Bible and the commentary notes in their head and so loose the rawness of Gods word. Read every time like it is your first time. Bro. Christiantoday: Hmm! I will. God LOVES ME FIRST. Shalom! (c) #Bishop Ponle Alabi #copea-inc 2014
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:09:07 +0000

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