#qldpol People often ask me whats the story behind the story? - TopicsExpress


#qldpol People often ask me whats the story behind the story? Heres what the FNQ Labor candidates said when asked about the following issues... Curtis Pitt - Shadow Treasurer and Member for Mulgrave said: ON UNEMPLOYMENT Campbell Newman promised unemployment would be 4% under an LNP Government and he’s missing that target by a country mile. We now know his own Budget papers clearly forecast unemployment will still be around 5.25% in 2017-18 when he pledged it would be at 4%. While the only job-creating infrastructure this Government has committed to is a massive new office tower in Brisbane for himself and his Ministers, regional areas like Far North Queensland are languishing. Government job cuts and reduced spending on capital works projects in regional Queensland by the Newman Government has had an impact on regional economies ours. Our decade high statewide unemployment level is a key reason why people have been spending less in local economies which has contributed to ongoing poor results in domestic activity. The data reinforces what I hear whenever I speak to small business owners or retail workers across Queensland. Almost without exception, the message is clear: that household disposable incomes are dramatically reduced due to increased cost of living or unemployment, despite the promises of the LNP. They also tell me that spending is tight for these reasons, meaning less money to go around in the local economy. It appears that the Newman Government’s only plan for Queensland is to sell our assets, and for regions like ours, that means higher electricity prices and as Campbell Newman said, job losses happen in privatisation. Labor is unashamedly about jobs. Weve listened and have committed to not selling our income producing assets, our Building Queensland policy will depoliticise how infrastructure projects are prioritised, and weve committed to a a suite of jobs policies that will boost employment and give hope to those kids that need help when it comes to getting a job and keeping a job. Our Skilling Queenslanders for Work program will help up-skill our young people and long-term unemployed, and our Ready for Work program will give young job seekers the practical tools needed to seek work — basics such as CV preparation, interview skills and where to look for jobs, plus practical assistance on how to apply for work. We need our young people in work, where they can earn a salary, spend money at local businesses and generally contribute to local economies. At the same time young people are upskilling, making them more attractive candidates for SMEs to employ in the medium term – including via apprenticeships and traineeships. We’ve also committed to offering payroll rebates to bosses to employ apprentices to help young people find work. In June this year the Far North had the highest youth unemployment rate in the state at 21.7% - almost doubling from 11% in March 2012 when the Newman LNP Government was elected. It still hovers above 20%. ON REBUILDING Ever since the 2012 election, Labor has been out and about rebuilding trust and listening to voters. We have been a hardworking Opposition that has learned lessons over the past two and a half years. In stark contrast, the Newman Government has been inflicting its decisions on people in the Far North and ignoring our region. The only major Government infrastructure project underway in Queensland is the $2.6 billion executive building being built in Brisbane for Campbell Newman and his Ministers. Not one cent of that investment will assist Cairns or the Far North. Labor will keep talking with voters and release our plan for the Far North after continued engagement with key stakeholders like Advance Cairns and local communities closer to the election. Labor Governments have a strong record of economic growth and cuts to infrastructure and jobs are the very things that stand in the way of growth. We will release our detailed economic plan closer to the election but one thing we won’t do is selling state-owned assets that generate billions in annual revenue and I think most Queenslanders would agree that we’ve already suffered enough cuts under the LNP. The LNP’s plan to sell Queensland’s assets means higher costs of living and even more job cuts. ON FLUORIDE Even after many years of debate, fluoridation is still a controversial topic for some Queenslanders. But the LNP government in its sloppy approach to policy has passed the buck to councils to make the decision on whether fluoride should be added to drinking water. This will lead to a patchwork approach across the state and inequality in preventative oral health care. Health Minister Lawrence Springborg and the Education Minister - a former dentist- both admit that fluoride is good for teeth, so why dont they support it as government policy? The LNP either believes in the science of fluoridation or it does not. If it believes in it, then they are selling themselves and Queenslanders short by not mandating to have fluoride in water supplies as the expert advice indicates. All they are doing is putting the right for Councils to choose ahead of the oral health of Queenslanders. Labor believes that governments should be listening to the best available scientific and medical advice and act accordingly. Water fluoridation is overwhelmingly backed by scientific evidence. It has been used around the world for more than 50 years and in that time there does not seem to be a skerrick of scientifically credible evidence showing it to be harmful. Instead evidence keeps rolling in that it is an incredibly successful preventive health measure. Water fluoridation is endorsed by just about every leading dental, medical and scientific organisation. A survey by the Far North Queensland Rural Division of General Practice found more than 95 per cent of doctors supported fluoride in drinking water. We’ve seen a strong stance taken by some local pharmacists and dentists – who could be perceived to have a commercial interest in a no fluoride position - based on the advice of health experts. After two and a half years in power the LNP must step up and start governing on issues like this. To date all we have seen is a government that is keen to abrogate its responsibilities to councils, heath boards or private companies. Queenslanders deserve better. Billy Gordon said: ON ASSET SALES Labor is opposed to asset sales pure and simple. We know Queenslanders aren’t falling for Campbell Newman’s arrogant attempts to try and mislead people. The promise from everyone in Labor is clear. Queenslanders sent a message to all politicians at the last election – not just Labor – that they do not want their income-producing assets sold. Labor won’t sell your assets, the LNP will. ON DISASTER RECOVERY The great thing about communities like the ones in the Far North is how we stick together in tough times. When a disaster strikes, the important thing to know is that help is available. At the moment, we have a Government focussed on picking fights with doctors, nurses, firefighters and police and we know that more than 300 health workers have been axed from local health services by the Newman Government. Changes by the Abbott Government to disaster recovery funding arrangements are ill-informed and someone needs to take the fight to them. Campbell Newman is all talk about standing up to Canberra but Labor will actually do it. Rob Pyne: Standing Up For Cairns said: ON ELECTRICITY AND INSURANCE Campbell Newman promised to save people $120 a year on their electricity bills but instead we have seen them rise by $440 a year. The Premier is on the record numerous times promising not to sell-off the state’s electricity network, yet has broken those promises and is pushing ahead with it. How about Campbell Newman keeps his promises from last election on electricity before making new ones! Plans to sell assets will only lead to higher electricity prices and even more sackings. Labor won’t sell Queensland assets which is a certain recipe for even higher electricity prices. When it comes to insurance, locals need to know they can afford the cover they need for their homes. Insurance must be affordable and it must cover us for the things we need it to. It’s no good having insurance if nothing is covered or it’s so expensive that it cuts family budgets to the bone. We need to ensure that insurance agencies are basing their policies and premiums on the right information and the right data, not the postcode lottery that we’re facing at present. ON HEALTH Persistent issues with Queensland Health. Payrolls, doctor contracts, and, recently, threats to the reputation of Far North health services in light of recent suspensions of Cairns doctors. Local services are being cut across the board and we know there has been 300 positions go from local health services. The Newman Government has picked fights with doctors and nurses and now senior specialists are being stood down for raising concerns in the media about very serious matters. Labor will end the cuts and end the shroud of secrecy around Queensland Health that has characterised the way the Newman Government operates. Craig Crawford - Labor For Barron River said: ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The only major infrastructure project underway across Queensland under the Newman Government is a brand new office tower in Brisbane for Campbell Newman and his Ministers. What the region needs is a sustainable and worthwhile building program like the one Labor had previously. It was Labor who delivered the nearly half billion dollar Cairns Hospital redevelopment, and Labor who delivered the Cairns Convention Centre. A key Labor policy is Building Queensland that will ensure major infrastructure projects stack up economically which is a big step to ensuring proper funding. And if the Newman Government gets its way and sells Queensland assets, that’s billions of dollars in revenue streams lost for ever. ON EVENTS/TOURISM The previous Labor Government had a real focus on event tourism including sports tourism, securing events the Iron Man Triathlon and regular season AFL games for Cairns. Labor has been listening closely to key stakeholders like Advance Cairns and we understand the need to build a resilient economy that’s not based on one single industry. We will keep listening to local stakeholders and release our full plan closer to the election. I was very pleased recently to take Annastacia Palaszczuk and Curtis Pitt on a site visit at the proposed Aquis development. Annastacia voiced Labor’s full support for Aquis, of course subject to the appropriate approvals and probity checks being carried out, and made it clear that local employees should be given priority.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 10:13:19 +0000

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