1. Can you give me any hints to make nappy time and clothes change - TopicsExpress


1. Can you give me any hints to make nappy time and clothes change time as my 11 month old screams flips over and tries to crawl away. i have tried distraction with toys but thats doesnt work as they end up thrown in dirty nappy 2. What on earth do I feed an 8 month old with no teeth? She eats toast, I make apple and formula biscuits, also baby rice cereal, mashed/puréed veggies and fruit. She likes to suck on lamb cutlets and steak. She has been on solids and has been eating the same things for 4 months. How boring! Just want some EASY and QUICK and INEXPENSIVE ideas. 3. Any budget tips you can share that helped when you went down to one wage? Ive just gone on maternity leave so our household income has dropped a lot and starting to stress about how we will cope. 4. My son is 5.5 months old and just this morning I noticed some old blood on his cot and he brought some up when awake, my nipple had some dried blood on it so Im sure it is from that however as I needed to feed from it again there is now fresh blood coming through. Has this happened to anyone? Should I continue to feed off this side or just pump or give it a rest? Worried about supply if giving it a rest. 5. How to get a breastfed baby to take a dummy ? 6. As we are coming into wet and cold weather, I would love some advice from mums in how to keep my 10mos occupied during the day? What activities can we do inside? Tv is not really an option as he only likes Peppa pig and will only watch for 5 mins with out wriggling. 7. I am 29 weeks with my first baby, my hospital is giving me a bit of a hard time over attending birthing classes. (As my OB wont recommend them) The problem is I have a husband that works away (2weeks at a time) and I am a ft worker and ft step mum to my 11 year old step daughter, so the times and days they offer birth classes dont work for my busy schedule. My question is can anyone tell what they teach in birthing classes and where I can find all the information independently so that I can be/ get informed at the times that suit me? 8. I am wondering if parents have successfully used the SOS technique to teach a rather active 11month old to self settle to sleep who has previously required help to settle to sleep (lay them down 15 times then leave room etc). Techniques we are using are no longer working and sleep is suffering. If you have used this, how long till it worked and how hard was it for you and bub???
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 06:42:25 +0000

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