10-03-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Forts” Did you guys take - TopicsExpress


10-03-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Forts” Did you guys take the blankets out and drape them over dining room chairs and end tables and create these wondrous worlds of your own? I use to make the best forts ever!...now the best blankets were my Great Aunt Sass’s homemade quilts cause they were big and heavy and they stayed right where ya put them. You didn’t have to weigh-em down that much with magazines, books and other things like lamps that would get pulled off and break sometimes. My Aunt Beanie’s house in PA (just down the hill from my Aunt Sass and a little across the way from my grandparents’ house) I once made the coolest fort ever…you see she had this really long house that kind-a had the living room and the dining room and then an attached bedroom all in a row, a fort builders heaven! I’m not exactly sure how long it was but I do remember a thanksgiving dinner there, that had my grandparents, parents, to aunts and uncles, their friend Chapy, and five cousins eating together at the table… anyway I proceeded to build this fort to beat all forts…thinking back, I ‘m pretty sure my big sister helped on this fort cause it was way to elaborate for my thinking…So this fort had the table covered for the big area underneath and then a six chair tunnel to the coffee table tunnel and hung-a-right at the end of the coffee table and went to the corner of this old peddle pumping organ and then extended into the extra room off the bed mattress on its side and stopped at the bathroom…we are talking a serious fort here!...I’m not so sure why these beautiful memories from the past continue to reunite with my present but you can be sure on one thing, that I will be teaching my grandchildren the art of house blanket fort building…and now I have my first customer, Kyliana Grace Insana!...and especially now because I won’t have to clean it up, ha ha!...great old times melding into new great times, can’t wait!…have a great safe weekend all…plain and simple.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:39:51 +0000

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