12 Subtle Antisocial Habits That Make You Look Insecure Posted on - TopicsExpress


12 Subtle Antisocial Habits That Make You Look Insecure Posted on 21. Apr, 2009 by admin in Habits, Inner Confidence When I was a teenager, my parents always insisted on taking lots of photos and home videos. I hated seeing how I acted in those days. I was always the quietest one, barely able to control my actions and reactions. Usually I thought I was a little shy, almost normal, but seeing those videos I was embarrassed to see how much different and insecure I actually was compared to other people. I wince inside, thinking back to those days. Over the years, I realized there are some habits almost all shy and antisocial people have in common that make other people think they’re loners. If that’s not bad enough, most shy people aren’t even aware of what they are. The habits are automatic and subconscious. That’s why I was always surprised when I saw how I actually acted in real life. But the good news is, once you see what these habits are, you can make adjustments to how you act and become more comfortable in your own skin. 1. Being Stuck In Your Head Outgoing people talk to other people. Shy people talk to themselves. It’s a comfort mechanism, more than anything. The important thing to realize is that talking to yourself is a habit (like everything else on this post), and habits can be broken. Whenever you realize you are talking to yourself, STOP. This will help you “get out of your head”, talk more and eventually start becoming more extroverted. 2. Not Paying Attention To Others One of the biggest tips many conversation experts give is to become actively involved in listening to conversations. Many shy people get into the habit of just standing there, thinking and talking to themselves inside their own head, and listening, but not paying too close attention, to what everyone else is talking about. Once you start to pay close attention, and put more energy into thinking about what other people are talking about, you won’t have a problem thinking about what to say next. Stuff will be popping into your head all of the time. You’re just going to have to suck it up and say it. 3. Nervousness Relax, dude. What’s the worst thing that can happen when you’re in the middle of a social situation? In the pictures I mentioned before, I almost always looked as if I was nervous and tense. Not good. Being relaxed helps you to enjoy situations. Also, shy people tend to automatically “tense up” some of their muscles when they are nervous. Every once in a while, check if your neck, shoulders and stomach area are tensed up. Your shoulders, when they are tense, will be higher than normal. Take a long, slow breath and as you are letting it go, relax any tense muscles you have. 4. Paranoia You may think everybody is judging you, and every small action you take and every thing you say. FACT: Nobody really cares about you. (They’re too busy worrying about what other people think of them.) Next time you feel self-conscious, look at a random person and take note of how you feel about them. If the person you picked is truly random, then you probably won’t have any emotion whatsoever. That’s how most people who see you feel about you: INDIFFERENT. It took me a long time to realize that. 5. Self-Monitoring You “micro-manage” what you do. That means you think of what you’re going to say before you say it. You think about what you’re going to do before you actually do it. This makes everything you do and everything you say seem unnatural. There’s a lot of info about how to overcome this in my post on talking about nothing. 6. Feeling You Don’t Deserve Good Things You feel you aren’t good enough for that hot girl or guy to even talk to them. If someone compliments you, you don’t really know how to respond because, deep down, you don’t feel you deserve the compliment. (I’ll talk more on this in a future post.) 7. Fear Of Expression You feel “held back” – like you can’t just let go and do what feels natural. This can make you quiet and limit your body language. I remember in social situations I used to have crazy ideas like screaming at the top of my lungs just to see what would happen. I knew I was PHYSICALLY capable of doing it, but something inside seemed to stop me. This is caused by a lack of confidence (also see Habit #9). 8. Arrogant Beliefs You may think you’re smarter than most people you meet. You may even think that the reason why other people get along so well is because they’re on the same level – while you can see “how things really are”. If you can relate to that feeling, then the trick is to realize where it comes from. It comes from your bitterness that people don’t seem to like you despite all the “reasons” why they should – you being smart, or talented at something, etc. 9. Hinging Self-Esteem On What Others Think You let other people decide how you feel. If they say something bad to you, you immediately feel bad inside. You take their opinions as being fact. The reality is that it’s impossible to make everyone like you, and sooner or later you’re going to have to get used to that. If you don’t, you’ll die sad and unfulfilled because you always seek the approval of other people. 10. Fear To Break Rapport Rapport is when two people are experiencing a connection. This usually happens in a solid conversation about shared interests. Unfortunately, shy people mess this up by acting too needy when they do finally meet someone they can relate to because they don’t have many friends. They don’t want to do anything that might make the other person “disconnect”, so they stay in their safe zone when talking. This makes them boring to be around. 11. Need To Entertain Not everything you say has to be witty or clever. In fact, most people won’t remember what you said in a conversation in 5 days, so you might as well say anything. This ties into habit number 12… 12. Feeling You Have To Impress If you’re shy, you may feel as if the only reason why people hang around you is because you have witty and intelligent comments or something else that impresses them. This is a very shallow way to live, and it’s just too hard to come up with something funny to say in every situation. You wind up talking a lot less than other people. The reason why you feel the need to impress others is because you are lower social value than them.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:52:59 +0000

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