14th September 2013 VALUES Metatron: I want to give you a - TopicsExpress


14th September 2013 VALUES Metatron: I want to give you a sense of perspective about values, and those commonly held in your world. Please remember that I have lived incarnate in your world and during my time there I was surrounded by the usual daily needs which are shared by all those living in your dimension. I had to eat to live; to clothe and house myself, and to travel to places other than where I lived, so I had practical experience of what you have to contend with every day. You cannot just stand naked and hungry, sheltering under a tree for any length of time, for you will surely perish. It is therefore necessary to obtain some kind of housing, food and drink, and clothing appropriate for the climate where you are. Now, there are many different ideas of what is normal in countries, states and regions of the world; so what applies to the New Yorker won’t apply to a herdsman in Tibet. But, there are the basic necessities required to support life, before considering the niceties. There are millions of people in China who still live in caves, and however strange this may appear to a resident of Paris, London, Berlin or Los Angeles, it is shelter and somewhere to live. There are places in Asia, for example, where jellyfish are a main stable of the diet, with deep fried insects another popular option. In other places, animal blood, milk, butter and maize are what keep people alive, but undoubtedly malnourished. This will no doubt seem strange to a Melbournian, or a resident of Toronto; who don’t normally live in a mud hut or yurt or eat these strange foods; but for a large number of people there is no alternative. When people from the richer nations have eaten their basic nutritional meal with as much clean water as they wish, and are wearing comfortable and appropriate clothing; leaving their home to go about their daily business; what I wonder, persuades them to stuff themselves with donuts, burgers and fries, and choc bars? An occasional treat is one thing, but eating junk foods regularly is a pointless step upon the road to obesity and ill health. How did these junk foods come to be? Behind many products are people not content with earning a margin on food they are cultivating or selling. What they are looking for is a commodity which can be broken down into its constituent parts and each part used to produce a different line in the factory. It’s much more profitable to sell puffed wheat in a brightly coloured box, than it is to sell a pound of wheat grain in a small brown paper bag. Then there’s caramel made from ammonia, and a kind of chocolate goo made with cacao and various fats for enrobing the caramel centre. Just two examples of how commodities are altered and made less healthy for human consumption, but there are very many more all across the globe. These manufactured junk foods are seldom made as an aid to the human dietary requirements, but mainly as a way of earning vast profits from as little raw materials as possible. From the 19th Century onwards, advertising in one sector has been targeted to showing these junk foods as wholesome and something to be consumed by the public every day if possible. The motive is self interest by the manufacturer and the desire to accumulate vast amounts of money and material wealth, with little or no concern for the consumer. While the populations of developed countries ingest these junk foods by the ton, on a high plain in the Andes, herdsmen and their families have insufficient to eat, and this pattern is also repeated in Asia, Africa and other places. If the basic commodities were put to better use, then there would be little junk food and the poorer nations would be better fed. To many, this is a naive argument because the world is not set up in this way, and many aid materials shipped out to help the starving end up in the hands of the military or government officers in the countries concerned. This all boils down to the Service-to-Self mentality, where for large numbers of people, the sole concern is for themselves and how well they can do and how rich they can become. This is not only found in the upper echelons of your society, but is also prevalent down at the bottom, as to how the individual can help themselves and climb up the chain treading on their fellows as they go, and this is no unimportant matter. The entire population of Earth is being held back from progressing due to this Service-to-Self mentality, where valuable resources are being thrown away by making them into really useless items for consumption, after which the destination is often landfill or they end up in the ocean. Is it really in the interests of humanity to produce lots of plastic novelties, a new design smartphone every six months, 250 or more different types of hair shampoo, and so many other items? Does it advance the position of incarnate humanity on Earth by even a small margin; no it does not. Humanity has the urgent need to ditch this old school mentality and move towards a Service-to-Others philosophy greater than 51%. There are those who, though predominantly of the Service-to-Self group, are gradually adding quotas of Service-to-Others philosophy, which is a good thing in itself but there is a very long way to go to reach the 51% mark. Of the relative few who are at or over the 51% mark, these are people who shine and are much more spiritually advanced and always looking to help others less fortunate than themselves if they can. There are some huge problems in the world and military intervention won’t fix them; it never has, and it never will. You need innovative and peaceful solutions to make any inroad into these knotty problems. War is always the first thought, for there are many with large investments in machines and equipment designed to maim and kill people; and often they or their families are involved in government and the administration which gives the order to invade somebody’s country. So, if people do things in a particular country which you don’t like, you go and kill them by bombardment or troops on the ground, is that so? You can’t solve all problems in the short term, or even the long term, and some problems have no solution at any given time, but wiping out a percentage of the population will ensure that the problem in never truly solved and an undercurrent of resentment will exist, which in time will come to a head and burst; watch out when it does. There is an urgent need for peace to prevail on Earth, for money and wealth to be regarded less and for a more spiritual nature to be adopted on a larger scale than at present. There are many pleasant things to be bestowed upon Humanity, but all the while Service-to-Self predominates, then it is not appropriate to bestow them. To the rich man on the deck of his super-yacht, so what he’s got plenty of money what else could he possibly need? It is difficult to adequately describe for the incarnate human, how being at one with all that is feels. It is more than merely joyful or loving, but put simply it is everything; you are part of everything and everything is part of you. If a Service-to-Self rich person was able to experience this, and for it to be with them every day; then they would throw all their material wealth away, for material wealth bears no comparison to spiritual wealth. Before this can be experienced, it requires dedication to become predominantly Service-to-Others otherwise it is inappropriate, and this level of being has to be earned. It is up to every individual to make their own spiritual progress and nobody can do it for you.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 19:48:47 +0000

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