20 signs your dressage test need work . . . 1. Under judges - TopicsExpress


20 signs your dressage test need work . . . 1. Under judges remarks writes only: Nice plaits. 2. Horse confuses dressage arena rail for a cavaletti; exits at K. 3. Your circle shapes remind judge he should pick up eggs on way home 4. Your serpentine was perfect, except it was supposed to be straight centreline 5. Sitting trot has caused some fillings to be loosened in lower molars. 6. Your horse believes free walk means leaving the arena & heading towards the nearest patch of grass. 7. Your working trot had you working harder than your horse. 8. In your salute, you inadvertently use your whip hand causing your horse to perform airs above the ground. 9. Your walk seems to be more rare than medium. 10. Impulsion improves only after horse sees monsters in the decorative shrubbery near letters. 11. Your horses response to the canter aid is Cant, er, what? 12. Your 20m circle involved jumping the rail twice. 13. Your halt took place in the judges lap, instead of at X. 14. Your TB interpreted elasticity trying to kick himself in the head with his back feet during working canter. 15. Your horse entered the arena at A & M, & H, & B... 16. Judges comments include words like unusual, dramatic, explosive & tragic 17. Leg-yields involve your leg yielding before the horse does. 18. Free walk was interpreted by your horse to involve prancing, rear, bucks 19. The judge asks you take the broken letters with you when you leave. 20 Voodoo dolls of your horse were found in showground manager’s possession
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 20:24:43 +0000

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