20130814 見苦知福愛遍灑Spreading Love for a Peaceful - TopicsExpress


20130814 見苦知福愛遍灑Spreading Love for a Peaceful World youtube/watch?v=OlX_3tm9Bsc 天下災難何其多,就如一個尤特颱風,好幾天前在海面上形成,通過了菲律賓,菲律賓呂宋島也是受損不輕,現在廣東也在呼籲,人人都要提高警覺,。 See how many disasters there are around the world. Take for example the Typhoon Utor, which formed over the sea last week. This Monday, it batered Luzon Island in the Philippines, causing much devastation there. As it has made landfall in china this morning people there are on high alert. 這都是在現在地球上的不調和,所以才會有這樣的災難頻傳,所以要從人,唯有人人要縮小,自己的生活檢點,要節能減碳、省吃儉用,一切的一切,人能這樣的節省一點,二氣化碳它就會降低,我們的大地資源,也可以留給後代子孫。 See, because of the disharmony in Nature’s elements, disasters are occurring one after another. So, to mitigate disasters, people must be humble in the face of Nature, keep their actions in check by living a frugal life and conserving energy. If everyone can do so, there won’t be so much carbon emissions and we can also save more resources for our future generations. 所以人一定要警覺、要反省,要趕快的改過來生活的習慣,要不然的話,大自然的威力是人無法扺抗的,所以人人要發揮愛的能量。 So, we must be aware, reflect upon ourselves, and quickly change our ways of living. Otherwise, we’ll continue to suffer from natural disasters. So, it’s important to inspire love in everyone. 看,莫三比克,因為慈濟有這樣的因緣,南非的菩薩種子,一生無量,已成了菩提樹,菩提樹的果實已經纍纍了,從南非的愛的能量,照顧當地人以外,他們也跨國到了莫三比克。因為窮人偏多,物資有限,我們要如何,去幫助得讓人心服口服呢? We see our rice distributions in Mozambique. Thanks to the hard work of Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa, many people there have been inspired to join Tzu Chi. And, apart from caring for the people in South Africa, they also go to other countries, such as Mozambique, to help the needy. However, with so many needy people there, how are they to distribute rice to make everyone happy? 所以,我們一定要挨家挨戶,去了解貧中之貧,就是更貧困的人,讓大家了解到物資有限,還要去輔導人人那一念心。人性的純真,不要有貪念,要愛的互動,所以,我們運送過去的白米,是當地人一生中都難得吃一次,白米在他們的眼中看來,是那樣的珍貴,等待了這個米到了當地的時候,在發放,不會引起了其他人的不滿. So, before the distributions, they went door-to-door to see who were most in need. They also seized the chance to share with everyone that as there was limited rice, it should be given to those who are most in need first. To many people there, rice is not something they get to eat often. So, in their eyes, rice is very precious. This time, when our volunteers gave out rice, there was no discontent from those who didn’t receive it. 因為我們先把愛的能量先安撫,先讓大家能理解物資的有限,那樣貧窮中的,更需要的貧窮人,需要愛,輔導窮人發揮這一分愛心,希望人人不只是不埋怨,還要人人隨喜也是功德。 This is because our volunteers had let people know beforehand that there wasn’t enough rice for everyone, so those who are poorer than others should give out first. That’s how our volunteers inspired love inn the locals, hoping that they not only wouldn’t complain, but would even be happy for those who could receive the rice. 我自己拿不到,雖然我窮,但是看到比我窮的,自己會感覺到,我比他有福,他能得到,也是為他慶賀,這種的隨喜功德,其實要做到這樣,我實在是很佩服,當地的南非的志工,用了多才少的工夫,愛的能量,跨國到了莫三比克,去撒播這樣愛的種子。 Although some didn’t get the rice this time, seeing how others are worse off than them, they’ve learned to count their blessings. So, the locals all shared in the joy of those who have received the rice. Seeing that, I really admire our volunteers from South Africa for tirelessly traveling to Mozambique many times to guide our volunteers there and sow seeds of love in the locals. 讓人人雖然是窮,窮困中的心田也萌芽,有這一分愛的種子在裡面。常常都說因緣不可思議,因為莫三比克的有一位年輕人,來臺灣讀書,就這樣同學之間,結上了這一分緣,把這一位臺灣姑娘,就娶到了莫三比克去。 That’s why the locals, despite being poor, can still give rise to love ass the seeds of love in their hearts have sprouted. I often said that karmic affinities are inconceivable. When a young Mozambican came to Taiwan to study, he fell in love with a Taiwanese girl, Denise. They got married and settled in Mozambique. 蔡岱霖,她在好幾年前,聽到了非洲的菩薩這樣的訊息,在南非怎麼樣地做慈濟,她就尋尋覓覓地,如何能找得到慈濟,從臺灣來的慈濟,愛的能量落實社會,好在有她這一顆種子,這一次我們臺灣的米,從南非轉到莫三比克,沒有邦交,要集眾發放,這實在是有一點困難。 Inspired the work by our volunteers in South Africa have done, Denise also wished to help, so she contacted one of our volunteers in South Africa, who also came from Taiwan, and began carrying out Tzu Chi’s work in Mozambique. For our rice distributions this time, as Tzu Chi is not registered in Mozambique, our volunteers had difficulty acquiring permission to hold aid distribution there. 好在她的先生,之前在總統府上班,有這樣的關係,有這一顆種子的因緣,所以就向,第一夫人的辦公室的募僚,她說了許許多多慈濟人在全球,而且在南非有多少年,因緣都一路說過來。 Fortunately, Denise’s husband used to work at the presidential office in Mozambique and still has some connections. That’s why she was able to visit the chief of staff of the First Lady’s Office and share with him Tzu Chi’s work around the world. She also told him that Tzu Chi volunteers have been serving in South Africa for many years, etc. 所以,這個辦公室這位先生,達芬先生,他就是很感動,由他出面,來真正地溝通,各個部門來溝通,一直到了七月六日許可證出來,七月七日要發放,一天當中整理場地、搬運白米,還要彩排,他們當地人,要讓他次序整齊,談何容易。 Hearing that, the chief of staff was very touched. So, he promised to talk related agencies and help us acquire the permit. On July 6, the permit was issued, just one day before the distribution was held. So, they quickly set up the venue, piled up bags of rice, and rehearsed for distributions. But our volunteers found that the locals who volunteers with us had difficulty lining up orderly. 可是潘居士就有他的方法,看,用棍子就是這樣地排,人人就是要這樣的整齊,要彎腰鞠躬,還要向對方說感恩,他就說道理給他們聽。 So, they placed several wooden poles on the ground to help everyone from a straight line and also taught them how to bow when handing out the rice to aid recipients. 當我們懷著感恩心來給物資,接受的人也會感恩我們,鞠躬的時候要彎腰九十度。 就這樣,果然在發放的次序非常的整齊。 As it turned out, everyone was very orderly during the distributions. 我們都是一家人,因為愛,我們來到這裡,是愛將我們凝聚在一起,希望人人都能相親相愛,彼此關懷。 市政府的有一位官員來觀禮,好感動,事後向慈濟人說,能不能慈濟,要多來教導我們的國民,如何人與人之間,以禮相待、彼此關懷,能不能這樣子?這都是愛的能量,誠懇地愛去付出,無不都是很感人的,這也都人做出來的,不是不可能,可以克服,不是物資的富有,能多少的供應。 One city government official also came, and she was very touched by what she saw. After the distribution, she asked our volunteers if they could continue to guide the locals, showing them how to respect and care for one another. Such is the power of love. When we serve people with sincere love, we can touch people’s hearts. This is doable. We see that people have done this. It’s not about how much material aid we can give people. 最重要的是心靈的富有,把他啟發出來。其實,接下來的故事,還有很多都很感人,因為發放了以後就要再回訪,還要去他的家庭看看,你看,這也都是發放了以後,發現到的個案,趕快張羅一張輪椅給她,這都是愛的財富,才是用之不盡。 The most important thing is to inspire love of people. In fact, there are many more touching stories after the aid distributions when our volunteers went to visit the care recipients at home. See, when they discovered a woman who couldn’t walk, they quickly brought her a wheelchair. So, in helping people, our love will never be exhausted. 總是天天都在感恩中,不過天天看著天下,大乾坤的不調和,有的人類的不安心,真的很心疼,唯有人間菩薩,好好地把這一粒粒的種子集中,愛的能量種子不斷地撒播,我們的大地、天地之間,才能平安。 Every day, I’m filled with gratitude. But, seeing how there are so many disasters in the world and how many people’s minds are in disharmony, my heart truly aches. Only when living bodhisattvas keeping working to gather everyone together to give and spread the seeds of love around the world can our world enjoy peace and safety.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 04:17:48 +0000

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