25 Amazing (and Disturbing) Facts About the Hidden History of - TopicsExpress


25 Amazing (and Disturbing) Facts About the Hidden History of Medicine and minerals were found to cure disease 100 years ago, but Western Medicine outlawed any mention of it Its only been 100 years since the discovery of some of the most vital nutrients humans and animals need for maintaining health and preventing sickness, yet mainstream doctors will not recommend them. How did everything get so convoluted in just 5 generations? When did the Western masses stop believing in natural cures that are scientifically proven to work? During the first few decades of the 1900s, U.S. medicine wasnt profitable. People were eating organic foods from farms where soil had no pesticides. In 1905, Dr. William Fletcher was researching Beriberi, when he discovered that if special factors (vitamins) were removed from food, disease occurred. By 1912, Deficiency Disease was discovered, and the general public would soon understand that a lack of vitamins could make you sick, and could eventually kill you. Vitamin B12 was discovered by accident in an effort to cure pernicious anemia. Numerous scientists helped isolate B12 realizing that the disease was directly related to its deficiency. Elmer McCollum discovered vitamin A in 1912. At this time, scientists determined nutritional levels that kept cattle healthy, and discovered the absence of vitamins had detrimental effects. By 1916, experiments showed that fat-soluble vitamin A was necessary for normal growth, and by 1919, Edward Mellanby proved that rickets was caused by deficiencies of vitamin D and calcium. Other important vitamin discoveries took place from 1920 to 1930, but by WWII the FDA realized the threat this information posed to the pharmaceutical industry, so the AMA called doctors quacks who used vitamins and minerals to cure disease. Soon, Americans began believing there were magic pills and vaccines for everything, and that you got all the vitamins and minerals you need from the infamous four basic food groups. Nutrient deficiency is the primary cause of the top four diseases in America The best research available on these deficiencies comes from Dr. Joel D. Wallach, author of Dead Doctors Dont Lie. Wallach grew up on a farm where his family fed cattle vitamins and trace minerals to prevent and cure disease. As a veterinarian he performed autopsies on 17,000 animals to find causes of natural death. After studying 500 species and making comparisons to The average human lifespan in the U.S. is 75, yet doctors only live to be 62 (according to JAMA, 1994). Wallach says, thanks to pesticide ridden soil depleted of minerals, humans are robbed of half their life. He emphasizes, We must take all the essential nutrients; 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids as supplements daily if we want to live past a hundred. The body cannot manufacture essential nutrients, and if theyre not in the soil, theyre not in vegetables. In fact, if youre missing any one of these essential nutrients for several months, youre developing deficiency diseases. Dr. Wallach says you have nothing to lose by supplementing, It may cost you a dollar a day, but how much does disease cost you? He compares pain to the red light on your dashboard, The warning light means you are low on oil, or theres not enough coolant, etc. If you just pull over and deal with the problem, then you dont kill the engine; however, village idiots (uneducated Americans) who dont have time to deal with it cut the wire and keep on driving when they go to a doctor and get prescription painkillers to mask the symptoms. Without fortifying joints and bones, the doctor knows youll be back with a chronic problem or a disease. Vitamin B12 is needed for healthy red blood cells, healthy nerve cells, and to make DNA. Vitamin A is important for the immune system, helping cell membranes resist cancer and many other diseases. Ever wonder why allopath physicians dont prescribe vitamins and minerals? There is no financial incentive for disease prevention, plus most doctors have little to no training in nutritional science. Dont be fooled by cheap corporate vitamins which may worsen health. This is Big Pharma making sure you dont get cured. Theragran M, One-a-day, Centrum and Equate are mainly unusable and synthetic, and include other ingredients which pollute the system. 1. youtube/watch?v=TJbtWVCGbBY&feature=related 2. howweheal/vitamina.htm 3. vitamins.lovetoknow/How_was_Vitamin_B12_Discovered 4. inventors.about/library/inventors/bl_vitamins.htm 5. clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/43/4/680 6. jbc.org/content/277/19/e8.full 7. www2.uah.es/farmamol/The%20Pharmaceutical%20Century/Ch2.html 8. www2.uah.es/farmamol/The%20Pharmaceutical%20Century/Ch2.html 9. swsbm/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html 10. health.howstuffworks
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 22:26:24 +0000

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