...31 Days/31 Horror Movies: Day Fourteen: Willard: ...the remake, - TopicsExpress


...31 Days/31 Horror Movies: Day Fourteen: Willard: ...the remake, that is...not the unjustifiably overdue-for-digital-release classic original. Now THIS was one of the few remakes, which genuinely honored its cinematic inspiration...though, it DID miss a couple of points for NOT having the same sense of allegory as the original film, even though it DID have its own alternate sense of allegory. However, the loss-of-points factor is most assuredly made up, in the perfect casting of Crispen Glover, in role of Willard Stiles. Keep an eye out for the painted portrait of Willards father in the film; yes, indeed, folks...thats the original Willard on the painting...actor Bruce Davidson...
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:13:44 +0000

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