5 Days till the Oscars! Here are the Nominated Movies (with - TopicsExpress


5 Days till the Oscars! Here are the Nominated Movies (with Krissy-Richie/Dixies reviews EVERY DAY Till the awards!) American Hustle Captain Phillips Dallas Buyers Club Gravity Her Nebraska Philomena 12 Years a Slave The Wolf of Wall Street Fourth Movie Nominee is Gravity Krissy writes....Tonight, Richie, Dixie, Amy, and I saw Gravity in 3D, ~ the space disaster movie starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Written and directed by Alfonso Cuaron. In space, no one can hear you scream . . . Oops! Wrong tag line. Never give up! Never say die! . . . Rats ~ still the wrong space movie. CGI space means never having to say youre sorry. The opening scenes are awesome. A space station and the astronaut/space walkers are hit with a man-made storm of space junk, after Russia blows up one of their satellites. The two space walkers (Bullock and Clooney) are disconnected from the crippled space station and are left adrift and stranded in space. The 3D visuals of the space debris are stunning. But then, like an apple, the movie goes down from there. I did not like this movie! It was pretentious, pompous and at times downright laughable. SPOILER ALERT: I dont think a person can get in and out of a pressurized space suit by themselves as Bullock does a few times. And although she has a kick-ass body! I think astronauts wear long johns under their complicated, cumbersome suits, not skimpy fruit-of-the-looms. And finally, she swims through the weeds and frogs; crawls out of the primordial ooze, and stands on two legs. I laughed. Out Loud! Everyone could hear me scream! 1 beep. (It was, after all, better than Arnold Swartzenagers Total Recall.) Richie writes.... ‘Gravity’ was the biggest piece of crap that I’ve seen in a long time. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star as astronauts on a mission in space. They get alerted that space debris of some kind is headed their way, what kind, trust me, it doesn’t matter. Bullock ends up suspended in space, only to be save by Clooney and the ‘adventure’ begins. I have NO idea why this movie is remotely popular. We saw the 3D version. It didn’t matter. Instead of cheering for the lost Bullock, I found myself cheering for the end of the movie, which fortunately was only 90 minutes. If anything, the music was good. But there were so many implausible events that took place, I was bored to tears under my dirty 3D glasses. Let’s hope previous viewers didn’t have pink eye. Don’t waste your time or $$$ seeing this one. Maybe ‘Bad Grandpa’ wouldn’t be so bad because ‘Bad Gravity’ was the a big hole in the ozone. Close to a peeb-I give it a ½ beep. Dixie what did you Think? Dixie Writes.... Dixie writes......I loved it! Absolutely superb movie (5 beeps from me) facebook/onthetownmovies
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:07:30 +0000

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