CO2-AGW: A DOGMATIC RELIGIOUS PARADIGM IS FACING ITS DEATH THROES There has been NO WARMING for global average sea surface temperatures for 18.1 years and NO WARMING for global upper atmosphere for >16 years and NO WARMING in the deep oceans whether Atlantic or Pacific or anywhere. Furthermore there has been NO INCREASE in average global storm frequency or intensity. HOWEVER There has been GROWTH of desert greenery, GROWTH of temperate forests and GROWTH of phytoplankton in the oceans. All of which manifest the capture of increased heat energy and CO2 via photosynthesis and the creation of carbon bonds. In the face of the glaring contradiction between CO2-AGW sensitivity models and actual reality, some scientists are now frantically hand waving and pleading for more data and funds that might show that there is a potential small warming in shallow ocean waters via assumptions about correlations of a small proportion of sea level rise due to thermal expansion. MEANWHILE The Arctic, Alpine, Himalayan, and Kilimanjaro GLACIER MELT contributions to sea level rise are primarily due to SOOT from DIESEL engines in Europe and the Third World along with PRIMITIVE, pre-electric cooking and water purification via the inefficient, LUNG CHOKING, FOREST STRIPPING, combustion of BIOMASS in the Third World. AND YET SOLAR DOUBLES EVERY TWO YEARS CHEAPEST ENERGY BY 2020 REPLACES ALL ENERGY by 2030s Put simply: 1) The IPCC and associated climate change fearleaders and worriers are working with lousy models. 2) They worry about rich worlds modern CO2 when poor worlds primitive SOOT and AEROSOLS is the much bigger problem for both health and the environment. 3) The solar solution to all the problems is coming much faster than they can comprehend and which their computer models exclude 4) Their well-funded and well-publicized rhetorical and moral warfare and guilt tripping has been almost irrelevant for solars progress. Copyright 2014 Joel Bellenson
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:41:55 +0000

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