85 percent of the worlds population are professing to be a - TopicsExpress


85 percent of the worlds population are professing to be a Christian by religion. If you go to a club and asked the people there whats their religion majority would say they are Christians and they love Jesus but can hardly get up Sunday morning for church, not that church can get you into heaven but it can help you to some degree. If you go to church some of the women dressing no different from Friday night club outing. Do we really know what it truly means to be a Christian? It took me some time to really ask God to show me what living for him really means because I really did not know, come to find out I had so much work to do and still got much more work to do but at least we can work this faith, because faith without works is dead. This life called Christianity is a lifestyle and it must be lived righteously. Our problem is that we are so busy trying to play both sides of the fence in every area of our life and dont want to make up our minds who we truly want to be. A child of God or a Child of Satan. In the end we truly only deceiving ourselves. How I know , been there done that and if it had not been for Gods mercy I probably would still be spiritually dying in this so so so sad world full of deception. Nobodys perfect we like to say that but guess what we all have the power in us to ask God for the strength to live for him and he knows if you real or fake so be careful what you asked him for. In light of the above let us all be about what we say we are striving to become and thats the light of the world.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:51:52 +0000

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