9/9/2014 - Temple Wood - Kilmartin Valley. Our last day on holy - TopicsExpress


9/9/2014 - Temple Wood - Kilmartin Valley. Our last day on holy land. Transcendent experiences are difficult and almost impossible to describe, because they are experienced from the great mystery of the universal heart, and not the linear, organized, ego based mind. Yet we usually try to bring these experiences to life in our material world . . . because if we can help another feel and briefly touch that sacred space, then we know an echo of this divinity has touched our Earth. Situated in a sacred valley, filled with the energy of the three phased Goddess, the order of the Magdalenes, the Marys, and the chivalrous Knights Templars, this sacred circle was an anchoring place for new souls. It acts as a re-entry door to Mother Earth. Now more than ever, we have a great need to anchor and bond with the Earth. This unique stone circle has 18 standing stones, and a center earth chamber that resembles the dimensions of the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber in Egypt. When used in spontaneous, intuition-fueled ceremony (Spirit requested that I do not write about this ceremony here; nor did I remember to take photos of our ceremony, and forgot to make a essence too!), the earth chamber will harmonize ones heartbeat with the heartbeat of the Earth. It will also detox any misused energy in a willing initiate. Elders would hold space on a full moon to anchor new initiates to the Earth. It was a deep re-commitment to provide service to Mother Earth and humanity. We felt it calling, and we offered ourselves once again to Mother Earth. Even a mother and daughter visiting the circle spontaneous joined us. What a blessing. This is still one of my favorite places in Scotland. This was our last day walking upon sacred land. PS.... My guidance says if you LIKE this post you will be able to touch this experience with your heart. I hope you can feel it from where you are. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL . . . I have so many blessings in my heart. Thank you one and ALL for holding space for all us intrepid pilgrims to have a deep and safe journey. It was the most ambitious pilgrimage we have ever taken on. I was a bit nervous about this one. Yet it went off flawlessly. The weather was simply amazing, and we didnt lose anyone in a peet bog. All 9 ferries sailed without a hitch. One Scotsman said, on one such ferry crossing, that it was the best crossing he had ever experienced. Thank you to my buddies the Star Elders, our great protector Archangel Michael, the all mighty weather Gods, our local UK guide and ley line master Marcus Mason, our lead footed bus driver Cliff (I didnt understand half of what he said), our freakishly on time and responsible group of 26 (you guys are the best), our good shepherd Sir Norm, and last but not least, our logistical genius and my sweetheart, Sir Raphael. And as we would say in Scotland . . . God bless tae a th bonnie ones, wha support oor wirk in sae mony ways. Whit we dae thgither, goes beyond whit we cuid even ken. Ok . . . I can see that you are a bit confused ... Like we were . . . Translation . . . God bless to all the beautiful ones, who support our work in so many ways. What we do together goes beyond what we could even understand.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:01:27 +0000

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