9 BENEFITS OF MEDITATION THAT YOU CAN START ENJOYING TODAY • A lot of people think incorrectly when they think you need to be a yoga guru, or a sensai master to understand and appreciate the benefits of meditation. But the truth is, you don’t. You just need the open-ness to be willing to do so. What is meditation? • Meditation is simply the act of slowing your brain down to the point of nothingness. This can take 2 seconds for people that are practiced, or it can take 2 hours for those that want to explore this space in their Soul even longer. When you do so, you open up your life and your soul and even your physical body to a wide number of blessings and benefits. And that’s precisely what we are going to talk about today, why the very simple act of meditating can offer you a number of significant benefits that will truly enlighten and excite your life. • What is meditation? • Meditation is simply the act of clearing your mind, and relaxing through that process. Already you can see why it can be so helpful. In meditation, you literally empty your brain of all of the distracting, stressful, and fearful things that are coming into your head. In so doing, you let those horrible thoughts go by opening yourself to the truth. • When you meditate, what you are basically doing is slowing down one part of your brain, the limbic system that is responsible for all of the emotions you feel every day, to activate another. And that other brain system that you activate by putting your brain into nothing mode is the brain system that will pick up on truth. • So, let’s say for example you are spending the morning fretting about something. A work decision, a relationship decision. Or you are just worried about what might happen that day. Spend 30 seconds emptying your brain of those thoughts, and this activates the other part of your brain that sends you truthful information to process. You will find you are relaxed already within just those 30 seconds. Meditation is about mindfulness, and about not letting your emotions and worry control your life. The Mayo Clinic reports on the benefits of meditation all of the time. And we do too! • Here are our top 9 benefits of meditation that you can start enjoying today. • 1. When you slow down, you become more focused. A lot of people think that slowing their brain down to nothingness is complicated, and that it actually distracts from focus, because you are slowed down to nothingness. The opposite of that myth is actually the truth. When you meditate, you are only slowing down to nothingness for a brief time, to clear out the things and distractions that are weighing you down and holding you back. When you finish meditating, those things are gone. And if they aren’t, you haven’t done it right. So when you go back to your day after you have rebooted to nothingness for a few minutes, you really are more focused because you have eliminated everything that isn’t real. Air Signs, Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, will really appreciate this benefit of meditation because their minds are always on the go. It’s why we love them, but meditating provides a benefit especially to the Air Signs to slow down that brilliant active mind of theirs once in a while. • 2. You experience less anxiety. The more you do it, the less you experience. Who doesn’t want to live a more stress free life? We are all on that quest. When you meditate, what you are really doing is letting all of that go, so meditating in your most anxious moments is actually a pretty fantastic cure. Because you let it go. And it only makes sense that when you meditate, and bring your brain down to a space of nothingness, that you would come out of that experience feeling less stressed. As well, the more you do it, the less stress you will feel. Only makes sense, right? The more often you put your mind into a place where stress can not exist, the more it becomes trained to stay in the place either. Soon you too will be able to run to your cubicle or to the ladies room to do what I call the 26 second reboot whenever a wrinkle comes up in your day. When you meditate, you send a very strong message to your brain, no more stress today in this moment. And your brain lifts it away. The mutable signs that are always flitting from one adventure to the next, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo, need this benefit the most. They are always chewing things over far longer than is necessary, and a few minutes of meditation will help them just enjoy calmer days, and more stress free experiences. It’s much easier than you think! • 3. You will feel more creative. This is one reason that Water Signs, Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces, love to meditate. Because whether they work in creative fields or not, meditation opens them up to an imagination that only exists in that space. As the most intuitive signs, Water Signs find it easiest to meditate, and can slip into that space of nothing rather easy and quickly. As such this is why you will see many of them in fields of writing, music, art, and entertaining. Cardinal signs that need to be the bosses, Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, may feel like they don’t have the time to do this in a busy day. But if they take the 30 seconds to reboot when they are faced with a major business problem, they will find that creative solutions open up to them so much easier than they were before they took a few minutes to put their brain into nothing mode. • 4. You will naturally feel more compassionate. This is another benefit of meditation where Water Signs Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer, will not have a problem accessing. The Air Signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, could use this benefit the most. It’s not that Air Signs are not compassionate, they just don’t go into the world loving everything that crosses their path in the way that Water Signs do. So Air Signs will truly appreciate this benefit, and they will find themselves naturally more empathetic in the great world that they love when they practice meditation more. Meditating puts you on a higher vibration, when you are stuck in the rut of worry and frustration, you can not access the information available to you at the higher vibration. When you find that you put your brain into this nothing mode for a little while, the only thing there is room left for is love. • 5. Improved memory. One lovely benefit of clearing your mind and freeing yourself of emotional clutter is an improved memory. And who doesn’t want that? Air Signs will experience this benefit at the greatest peaks, because they are always thinking and remembering every little detail anyway. So if you are an Air Sign, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra, and want an even sharper memory, meditation will help you out with that. This is the benefit that Water Signs, Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer need the most, as they tend to be a little more scatterbrained. When you meditate, what happens in your brain that allows this is that opening up of space, and that clearing of clutter. This puts your brain on notice that you are now entering a more focused mindset, and so your memory is improved, even when you come out of meditation and can last throughout the entire day until your next meditation session. • 6. Meditation makes you smarter! This is one that the Air Signs are definitely going to love, and that would be the Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini’s of the bunch. These zodiac signs love a good conversation, a good intellectual impromptu, and love thinking and talking about the world at large. Especially Aquarius! So if you want to become an even smarter Air Sign than you already are, add meditation into your every day. But this amazing benefit is not exclusive to the Air Signs. All zodiac signs will be able to use the powerful brain power that meditation can bring. The reason you “become smarter” with meditation is because you declutter your mind of the fears that hold you back from expressing your true intelligences. • When you delete those fears from your every day vocabulary, your true knowledge and intellectual Self surfaces from the brain waves you create in meditation. It is a biological fact! What actually happens that makes you smarter in meditation is that your brain matter grows. Brain matter can not be replaced once lost, but what you do have can always be expanded on in growth, and meditation allows your brain matter to literally swell. So, in essence, what is really happening is not that you are becoming smarter, but that you are releasing your human experience to tap into that part of you that is your smartest Self. It’s incredibly empowering, and all zodiac signs will experience this powerful benefit. • 7. Keeps you youthful, and even prevents fine lines and wrinkles! It goes without saying that stress adds to your face, and this is how you can actually experience an anti-aging benefits that come with meditation. When you get into the practice of meditation, you begin to experience all of these benefits simultaneously. So you are thinking bigger, being smarter, having a better memory, feeling more joy, and just loving people more. That means you are frowning less, and this is going to have an anti-aging effect on your face. Some people have even said there is a “meditation glow” or aura around people that are heavily engaged with the higher vibrations that meditation puts you in touch with. This glow adds to that youthful look when you touch into this part of your Self. You heard it hear right, meditation makes you younger! Our friends that are ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra are going to really love that one. Any natural way to erase those fine lines and wrinkles is always on their list of favorite things to do. • 8. Effective pain relief. One of the most powerful benefits of meditation is the mind/body/soul connection that you establish in this process. What happens in your physical body when you meditate is that you nurture that relationship between your mind, your body, and your soul. When this happens, areas of your body that you feel pain in will begin to feel better because the pain will literally disappear. This is not to say that meditation is a treatment for all pain, it is not. But how meditation helps with pain relief is that it physically relaxes every cell in your body, and releases any negative or toxic energy in your body, so that every cell in your body will have more energy to function in a healthy manner. So if you come out of meditation and feel like your shoulders suddenly feel better, or something else starts to feel better, it’s because you released the negative energy, likely stress or a negative emotion, when you were meditating. A lot of times our physical pain is caused by a mental or emotional imbalance, and meditation helps to correct those imbalances, and restore everything to a natural process where an equilibrium of joy can reside. • Meditation will not cure illnesses or even treat them, it is a spiritual practice that helps in the relief of pain, in much the same manner that prayer offers hope and peace to those that pray for pain relief. In meditation, like in prayer, you give your pain to the Higher Power, or your higher Self and feel better in the process. Because Water Signs feel their pain and everybody else’s like a sponge, meditation is very effective for them to release some of that in a healthy manner. Air signs, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini have the most difficult time understanding this, because that is not a logical way for them to look at pain. The only way you will ever know if this benefit is available to you, is to try it! • 9. An overall feeling of a happier, more content, more fulfilled life. It can not be stressed enough that the benefits of meditation are great enough that when you add them all together, you will lead a more content and more fulfilled life. This is what happens when you can spend 3o seconds a day in a space of nothingness, and just let the universe take control of those negative experiences. When you do that, after that 30 seconds you begin to love people more, manage your way in the world in a more effective and productive way, have a better memory, feel less stress, are more creative, and even look younger too! How can you not have a better, more joy filled and content life with these benefits of meditation that are so easy to get. • All of these benefits are not the kind that you will experience after months of practice. These benefits will start to be felt as soon as you start meditating! So don’t delay and start today. Who doesn’t want to feel more focused, with a better memory, feel more compassionate, and less stressed? • And those are just a few of the benefits that await you with meditation. • Have you ever meditated before? If not, what have you been waiting for? If you have, what fun meditation miracle stories do you want to share? I can’t wait to find out!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:02:05 +0000

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