9 COMMON JOB SEARCH MISTAKES FOR CANDIDATES 1. No Networking Networking is a great way to find a job. If you want to enter the corporate world, you need to get used to the idea of sucking up to corporate professionals. 2. Being Shy Employers want go-getters. Don’t be intimidated by your interviewers or hiring managers simply because they have more work experience than you. Act like you have been working in the corporate world for years. 3. Applying Everywhere Without Looking If you send in two resumes to the same place because you didn’t bother to keep track of where you applied, you are not going to get the job. 4. Using a Basic Resume Each resume should be tailored to the job you are applying for, even if they have some similarities. 5. “Doing Your Own Thing” – A lot of graduates are under the impression that it is acceptable to look for an employer that will allow them to express their individuality. It’s not. 6. Poor Interview Practice/Preparation Learning isn’t over just because you graduated. You will need to prepare thoroughly for your job interview. 7. Only Using the Internet – Don’t just use the Internet to search for jobs and network. Go to events, meet people. Get out there. 8. Not Following Up Don’t be afraid to follow up with employers with whom you have sent you resume. Sometimes resumes get lost in the shuffle. 9. Looking For the Perfect Job You are a recent graduate with little to no job searching experience. Expect to work hard for a few years or more before you start searching for your dream job. Just work in the field you are interested in and see if you can move up from there. @Internitup on Twitter
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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