9 more randoms about me 1. I get super bad anxiety especially - TopicsExpress


9 more randoms about me 1. I get super bad anxiety especially when I drive(thank god for Xanax, its the only thing thats ever helped) and I get car sick super easy I also hate not driving because I have road rage and really hate when ppl suck at it and wait til the last min to get it a lane or slam on the brakes or dont merge at exits 2. Scared to die more than anything especially because I dont want to leave my kids because I know I am all they have 3. Ive had like 20 jobs longest one has been timbers(5yrs) I hated Wendys the most but I think I like Applebees the most 4. Like someone else I know I absolutely hate being tickled and despise it when someone touches my belly button 5. I think Id die if I couldnt have dr pepper fountain pop sweet tea and sour cream. I put sour cream on 75 percent if the things I eat including steak and ribs 6. Ive had a multiple amount if best friends in my life lots I miss and still love to death and only a couple I dont like at all. Im so completely blessed to say my man is one of them and as been since we were young 7. I love to read and wish I had more time to .. I still have books that my grandma gave me that ill one day get to read them all .. Lots of old school readers digest 8. I cringe at the thought of school and hated it but one day soon hope to bare through it and find something I like 9. I believe that no man should have long hair and its gross! Hair is gross period!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 04:28:49 +0000

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