A Cats SENSE OF SMELL…. Smell is vital to recognition. Most of - TopicsExpress


A Cats SENSE OF SMELL…. Smell is vital to recognition. Most of us witness this phenomenon when we take one of our cats to the vet. Upon returning home, the cat is growled and hissed at and occasionally attacked by the cats that stayed home. They dont recognize their buddy returning home because he smells different. Its as if a new and strange cat has walked right into their home! A mother cat will even kill her own kittens if they should suddenly smell foreign. Cats have scent glands along the tail, on each side of their forehead, on their lips, chin and on the underside of their front paws. They use these glands to scent mark their territory. Every time your cat passes by the refrigerator or the sofa and rubs up against it, he is saying, This is mine. This belongs here. I belong with these things. When your cat scratches your furniture or his scratching post, he is also leaving his scent there from the glands in his paws. Your cat will rub up against you and other companion pets for a scent exchange. While depositing his scent on you, he is also picking up your scent, which he will carefully lick and taste off his fur. (And we thought he was just grooming himself!) Cats are territorial by nature and they identify their territory by scent. Keep this in mind when moving with your cat, boarding him, taking him to the vet or groomer, bringing home new furniture, or bringing home a new friend. Try to make your cat feel as non-threatened as possible by using familiar scents. For example, before bringing in a new piece of furniture, rub it down with some of your cats bedding or even your own bedding. I offer Acu-chi sessions, Auriculartherapy, Reiki and Color Therapy for Large and Small Animals. For more information or to make an appointment; Please contact me (Sue) at [email protected] or 250-499-5209
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:40:33 +0000

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