A DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR MATCHING FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE TO MY WHITE PEOPLE: Why we should be actively supporting Black liberation struggles happening in Ferguson and nationwide (donation links provided below). When we look into our White views of what Blackness is, we are really just looking into the mirror. We White people created and shaped the concept of Blackness in opposition to our Whiteness in order to justify sustained, systemic, state-sanctioned violence against Black life that began 500 years ago and continues to this day, forming the foundation of our nation’s economic prosperity. Our fear of Blackness exists by design, and locks us into our own chains of White supremacy, which are designed to be invisible to us White people. We are born into the service of upholding White supremacy, whether we like it or not. Our White supremacy chains are different from the ones Black people are born into, but they are chains nonetheless. Our salvation from this imprisonment can be won through supporting Black liberation struggles, who have been battling against White supremacy for 500 years and know the scope and challenge of this battle far more clearly than we White folks can. Please donate to the Black-led organizing movements listed here. They are on the front lines of the struggle for Black freedom, and fighting for ALL of our freedom from the ever-present parasite of White supremacy. I WILL MATCH YOUR DONATION DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR!!! Please comment with your donation to keep the momentum going and to help me make my matching donation! operationhelporhush.org/ ds4si.org/ obs-onthemove.org/ LOOKING INTO THE WHITE MIRROR... Fear the Black gangbanger, the thug who will stop at nothing for personal gain, whatever the cost. BUT Coddle the White corporate raider whose aggressive and bold tactics help him to achieve the American Dream of prosperity. Fear the angry Black woman who is rude, demanding, and irrational. BUT Respect the White soccer mom who stalwartly protects her cubs at any cost. Fear Black music that promotes violence, misogyny, and homophobia. BUT Celebrate the history of our great nation, started by White men in 1492! Fear the Black Welfare Queen, who has rigged the system, lies and cheats to get your tax dollars. BUT Corporations run by White men create jobs, and so they deserve our tax havens, loopholes, and exemptions.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:00:38 +0000

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