(A MESSAGE TO ALL SINGLES) Marriage is not a business - TopicsExpress


(A MESSAGE TO ALL SINGLES) Marriage is not a business arrangement. Dont choose an accountant because you are a businessman so that she can help take care of your finance. Dont choose a nurse because you are a doctor! Dont choose a caterer because you are an event planner! Dont choose a teacher because you have a school you want her to manage. Dont marry a singer because you are a pastor. A true husband/wife will naturally complement the career of his/her spouse irrespective of what he/she does. Dont push people away because they are not doing the kind of job you want. When you make business the anchor of your marriage the things that trouble businesses will begin to harass your marriage. Do not say because you are short in stature then you must choose a tall husband to balance things it is not your stature or career that your mate complements but your NATURE! A relationship based on arrangement, devoid of love, commitment and strong feelings is the genesis of divorce. Every marriage contracted on business terms is on CREDIT!!! Let God lead you to the person that is suitable to your destiny and you will have a blissful marriage.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:26:46 +0000

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