***A Slight Commentary*** Im not beating around the bush like I - TopicsExpress


***A Slight Commentary*** Im not beating around the bush like I would normally do for drama and entertainment. Today Im jumping right in with both feet.... Im hurt and Im broken hearted... Why am I feeling this way you ask??? Its because the 2 churches that I used to be a member of back in my hometown of Buckley WA have failed dramatically and are showing the true colors and who they really are. Normally I wouldnt name names, but Im going to today because Im so disappointed and hurt over this AND its time to be held accountable for some things. Both churches are under different names now, but I always knew them as Faith Center and Praise The Lord Fellowship. At both churches, I was extremely involved with the youth programs and worship teams. Although, I was kicked off Faith Centers worship team because I didnt smile enough when I played the drums. Forgive me for having to concentrate and be focused. Anyway, Ive always been in good standing with both places and have always been told over and over and over again that if prayer is needed, then theyll be there. THAT my friends is a lie. Out of hundreds of people at both churches that I was good friends with and supposedly still am, theres maybe 15 of them that have offered any prayer support for Andrea and I in this extreme time of need that were in. Ive messaged numerous of them in the hopes that theyll be praying for us and all I hear in return is the chirpping of crickets. This same thing happened when my mom passed away in 2011. Women of a Glow and Praise The Lord Fellowship told my dad over and over that theyd be there for him for anything he needed and prayer. You can guess what the follow thru of those claims have been like.... Chirpping crickets. As of right now, I have numerous friends that are actually staff members, pastors, and worship leaders for both of those churches as well as Mt. Rainier Christian Center in Enumclaw and another church in Sacramento CA. NONE... 0.... Zilch have offered any prayer support... NONE OF THEM and theres no way they could not know whats going on since we all keep good tabs on each other. What really hurts, is that two of those people are actually old bandmates of mine and I havent heard a peep from them. Yet, when they needed prayer Andrea and I gladly prayed for them. I guess maybe I see things from an old fashioned point of view from a time when our country and its churches still had morals end ethics. Honesty, love, family, friendship, and keeping your word are things that apparently no longer matter. Instead everyone is caught up in their little Christian country clubs where on Sunday morning they get a good music show and a watered down message with no fire and passion in it anywhere. Im gonna end with this.... To my supposed friends at the Churches back in Buckley and MRC in Enumclaw... , you dont have to pray for Andrea and I if you dont want to. Honestly, now its feels more like Im having to force you to do it, so I guess theres really no need. Instead what you can do, is stop playing the Christian card of hypocrisy by TELLING PEOPLE YOULL PRAY FOR THEM WHEN YOU REALLY DONT OR WONT. That crap is what makes people wanna walk away from God and the church. Andrea and I will be just fine in our faith, but keep doing this to others and instead of building a kingdom, youre digging a hole in which no kingdom will ever rise out of. If you dont like what Im saying, then youre probably in need of doing some serious soul-searching. I do love you all, but I can no longer overlook these things and still be able to sleep at night. It just feels wrong.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:20:23 +0000

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