A crucial piece of evidence was the mistranslation of the phrase - TopicsExpress


A crucial piece of evidence was the mistranslation of the phrase al sha’ab yurid ithbat al nizam (the people want the stability of the regime) as al sha’ab yurid isqat al nizam (the people want the fall of the regime). The reporters quizzed about this claimed that it was very loud during these demonstrations, and it was an honest mistake than anyone could make. [...] The Saudi spokesman urged everyone involved to come together to put a line underneath this chapter, citing his government’s effort to end the misunderstanding in Egypt and repair the damage done by misguided Western reporting. “We are very close to re-establishing the situation exactly as it was in 2010 before all of this started. Please urge your governments to support us in correcting this historical error.” He lamented how a small translation mistake caused this much damage, and urged Western reporters to rely on official version of events in the future to avoid such confusion.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 06:33:15 +0000

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