A day of pouring your heart into everything you do. Releasing - TopicsExpress


A day of pouring your heart into everything you do. Releasing the pent up emotion that you have carried as a burden and knowing everything happens in divine order. The divine feminine aspect and that of Aquarius - ruled by planets Saturn and Uranus - is releasing the old outworn thoughts of the patriarch and restriction - while honouring the path. Uranus - freedom and creativity will allow you have a moment when you can see how your dreams can come true. Do not miss a beat of the heart that yearns for love peace and compassion. The gift of the Universe is to make the changes to come with complete love and harmony. Do not allow karmic situations to rear their heads again. Karma is cleared!! A path - a loophole called the eye of the needle has been accessed in the cosmos and when you go beyond your three dimensional comprehension you can perceive moments of pure magic. Not just for yourself but for others too. How lonely it would be just to have magic for yourself! It would be like celebrating your birthday on your own and blowing out the candles without those you love around you to join in the celebration! A heart that knows how to give is a heart that will receive in abundance. The jar carried by the Goddess depicted as the water bearer of Aquarius is the releasing of knowledge so that it can be filled up again and again. There is a never ending source of divine wisdom. Are you wise enough to realise that what is happening is the cosmic joke? That it has never been about anyone else but you? When you stop blaming others (I am guilty of it too!!) and realise we must tame the serpent within us and be emptied of ego, fear and doubt, that we become the empty vessel that can be refilled constantly. Sit under this Supermoon and with the planets of the harmonic convergence around you, and celebrate the divine order of life. Wisdom gained through surrender. If you are somewhere you know you should not be - start taking steps to leave! If you are with someone you cannot honour or who does not honour you do the same - start moving away with kindness and no karma or drama. If you know where your heart lies just allow it to shine out towards its destination and that is where you are heading. Enjoy where you are today and be thankful for all who brought you here. Each person has been the teacher and you the student. See this moment as your graduation and you are taking responsibility to love and be loved. Goddess Awakened 2013 caroline K
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:59:01 +0000

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