A few months ago I was listening to the recording of the - TopicsExpress


A few months ago I was listening to the recording of the concluding session of the “EPIC Coach Academy” program that I was in for 12 months. The theme of this session revolved around the following questions: What is the greatest pearl of wisdom that you have ever learned in your life? If this was your last day on this earth, if this was your last conversation with people what words of wisdom would you share? What is the most profound thing you have ever learnt? 15 seasoned coaches spoke… I found that conversation so moving and powerful that I thought it would be great to have that conversation here. What is it for you? Just to get you started, here are some of the profound pearls that were shared by the 15 coaches: Life is more than this earthly life. Life is more than the changes and chances of this world. Your soul is eternal. Life is a journey towards your maker. You are here innately resourced to be a seed that is here to navigate change. We are here to grow and to become. Sometimes you, like a willow, bend gracefully under the weight of events and on other times you may stand tall like an oak tree. But we are here to expand and grow because we are expensive beings. So jump in there and experience, ask for what you need and then share your heartfelt challenges that have helped you grow. This will help others grow too. Go out there are share your story. We may all be different but we are all the same. We all have the same concerns, worries, needs. We all want to be happy and desire happiness for our families. Unity in Diversity. We are more connected and the same than we realize. We are scared of what we don’t know. Don’t pre-judge. None of our judgments are real. It is all just an illusion. We are all enlightened beings. Every time I travel I amaze myself as to how wrong I was about others. Be yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Be authentic. It is joyful to contribute to others, grow and stretch ourselves. People need coaches. So make it fairly affordable. I learnt that even the smallest of compliments go a long way. Always look for the good in everything. Go around and compliment others. Even if it is a small compliment. This impacts your life and the other person’s. Either you own your emotional life story or your story owns you. We all bring our stories with us. The more you face it, deal with it and share your story, the more you are empowered to become unstuck, move forward, find your freedom and happiness. Own it. We are not broken no matter what we have experienced. It is an illusion to think that we are not whole. We are pure light and our journey is to shine. We are just on our way to discovering who we really are. You are not your mind. We have pure souls but it is the body that causes the problem. Whenever I feel I am in a rut or a slump, whenever I catch myself, I remember that we ALL have habitual emotional and behavioral patterns. When I remind myself of that I usually do something crazy to break that pattern (to jolt myself). So if you want to move out of a rut you must do a pattern interrupt to become unstuck. A support group is also essential because if we are left to our own devices we would probably stay in the slump and rut away. I create my reality. What are you creating? Are you creating something that empowers you or depresses you? You have control over yourself. Don’t let anyone or yourself label you. Don’t wallow in the past. Your reality is right now. Let go of the past. Don’t stress about the future. Be in the moment. What you focus on expands. Wow.. There is so much in there to think about. You could write several blogs on each of these topics. So what is your pearl of wisdom? What would you share. Share here and let us benefit from each other’s wisdom.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 15:55:02 +0000

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