A key element of holistic health is the emphasis on disease - TopicsExpress


A key element of holistic health is the emphasis on disease prevention versus disease treatment. For optimal health and WELLNESS, here are some key points from a lecture I just listened to (the things I do for fun...), that may seem obvious to some, but are not commonly addressed in Western medicine (that is largely dictated by the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry): - Avoid synthetic chemicals and GMOs in your food - Eat certified organic fruits and vegetables that are free of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers - If you eat meat, eat meat from organically-raised animals free of hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs - Avoid fish laden with mercury - Avoid artificial sweeteners - Avoid refined sugars; the natural sugars in fresh fruits are good, but not the sugar added to fruit juices, canned fruit, and fruit-flavored yogurt (if you like yogurt, buy organic plain yogurt and add your own fresh fruit) - Avoid refined grains, including white breads and pastas, white rice, white potatoes, many baked goods, chips, and almost all processed foods in boxes, bags, cans, cartons, and bottles (carbohydrate foods are converted to sugar once inside your body). You ~may~ eat organic whole grain flours that have not been brominated. - Cancer thrives on sugar - Avoid refined salts, such as common white table salt, which has been processed and bleached and is devoid of nutrients - Avoid refined oils and any product whose label includes partially hydrogenated oil - Fermented soy (e.g. miso, tempeh, natto, soy sauce) is the only form of soy that wont do harm. Every non-fermented soybean food - including edamame, soy milk, and soy ingredients in processed foods is unhealthy and harmful to your body (Note: The soy industry is among the most profitable crops in the U.S., are the most GMOd, and also one of the leading contributors to deforestation!) - Many people are vitamin and mineral deficient in the following: Iodine, B12, magnesium, vitamin C, B1/Thiamine, D3, zinc, selenium, chromium, and potassium. Make sure to get enough of these for a strong immune system! - Iodine is essential to every cell in your body - iodine deficiencies are associated with many forms of cancer (supplement with organic, nonradioactive iodine) Hooray health consciousness!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 19:48:44 +0000

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