A libertarian and his view on reality. Eric Garner, 43, died - TopicsExpress


A libertarian and his view on reality. Eric Garner, 43, died July 17 after being confronted by police on Staten Island for allegedly selling cigarettes illegally. The nature of the state is simple; with a monopoly on the use of force, your compliance with their laws, no matter how arbitrary, will be mandated and upheld with the threat or use of violence. The police, while ostensibly there for you protection, is a facet of this institution reliant on the use of violence to maintain its monopoly. The majority of police departments have become nothing but revenue collection agencies, enforcing arbitrary laws written for vicitimless crimes. Consider this example, while it may sound extreme, it is the standard procedure of the escalation of violence to achieve state compliance. A police officer, also known as revenue collection agent, sees you without your seatbelt on. You are pulled over and told that you must now pay them money as the state claims the ability to steal money from you for capricious reasons that they refer to as “laws.” If you refuse to be extorted in such an overt manner and do not pay this racketeering gang of thieves, their next step is to elevate their use of force; you will now be kidnapped and thrown in a cage. When these armed thugs bust into your home in the middle of the night to kidnap you for not paying them because they saw you without your seatbelt on, and you resist, they will assert their ‘just authority’ and end your life. As you lie there in a pool of you and your spouse’s blood, the last thought that goes through your head is, “Wow, these guys are really adamant about stealing money from folks for not causing harm to anyone.” Yes it seems wild and crazy, but the reality of the situation remains; the escalation of violence is the only means by which the state maintains its “authority” over you and forces your compliance. While this next example wasn’t brought to such an extreme level, it was well on its way. Meet Sarah Boaz. A revenue collection agent in north Texas claimed he saw her run a stop sign. Ms. Boaz lost the ticket, also known as a promissory note of violence for non-payment, and did not pay the revenue collection agency on time. The next illogical move by the state to force compliance is to escalate the use of violence. Ms. Boaz was then kidnapped, stripped naked, and thrown in a cage. Had Ms. Boaz refused to be kidnapped that day she would not be telling her story in the video below; instead a thug in blue would be getting a reward for his “bravery in the line of duty,” also known as shooting an unarmed woman for causing absolutely no harm to anyone. Read more at thefreethoughtproject/woman-kidnapped-strip-searched-thrown-cage-unpaid-parking-ticket/#HjMFvhlTgEdQ6mUa.99
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:19:31 +0000

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