A light rain is falling at the farm as I drink my egg coffee. We - TopicsExpress


A light rain is falling at the farm as I drink my egg coffee. We need the rain and it may reduce the amount of “hose hauling” and watering that I will need to do this week. Good. Since it is raining outside, I decide to stay inside, listen to the rain, and literally take a mental trip. I am traveling the deep tributaries of my mind in search of something that weighs nothing, but has all the power of an atomic bomb. I am in search of my “dream box.” Each of us has a dream box. But in the rush of life--to get an education, raise a family, make a few nickels, and acquire more stuff than we really need, we often neglect the essence of our lives. It is I think in our dream box. It determines not only who we are, but collective dream boxes literally determine the world in which we live. Oh sure as life passes some of our dreams have withered and died. We need to clean out our dream box, discard the old, insert the new. If we do we will empower ourselves and others. My dream of being an Olympic gymnast died years ago. So? Out of my dream box it goes as I insert new dreams at least borderline appropriate for my age. As I do I think about how the dreams of others have enhanced my life. For centuries people dreamed of flying. So did Orville and Wilbur and then at Kitty Hawk they got their little plane airborne--I think it was for 157 feet. Then along came Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis, and then John Glenn and a trip to the moon and space travel. If the truth be known, when one person dreams and succeeds, a new plateau is established from which others can launch bigger dreams. Alexander Graham Bell and his little telephone invention--has lead to the cell phone in your pocket. What’s next? Sure in life I will not be able to do all that I want, but that is no excuse for doing nothing at all. And a dream box energizes us and causes us to believe “Yes. I can” rather than “I can’t do that at my age or with my infirmities.” And if we make an effort to do the best we can, that example alone will help bring out the best in others. So? Rainy Sundays are a good day for a little contemplation and a lot of dreaming not about what is, but what might be, should be, and what we can do together for ourselves an others. Today, I hope you take the time to stuff your dream box with some new goals. It will be good for you, those close to you, and for all of us. From the farm on this rainy day? The very best to you.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:08:26 +0000

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