A young white man in CT once got on to a taxi and did the most - TopicsExpress


A young white man in CT once got on to a taxi and did the most extra-ordinary thing I have seen. It was a day where I was so broke I resented that I would use my last money. What was I to do but pay it anyway. Well, the young white man stood near the front seat waiting for the taxi to fill up. He was the only white person there, the rest were variations of black and coloured. And Cape Town taxis fill up to the max. 4/4/4/4/2. No jokes. There was a little unusual commotion. I wasnt sure what it was. The taxi filled up we took our wallets out to pay as usual. Then the most amazing thing happened. I was sitting at the back when I heard an announcement from the Gatjie that EVERYBODY had already been PAID for in full by this young white guy sitting in front. Everybody was shocked in the taxi as it took off. Everyone thought What? Some exclaiming in Afrikaans. Disbelief every where. Whats the matter with him does he have too much money. I was stunned! What? I cant believe that I caught this specific taxi. I couldve been too early or too late! Anyway I am blown out of my mind and intrigued. I cant talk to the guy because Im sitting right at the back. Was he a tourist? I wondered. We arrived in Rondebosch. He was a UCT STUDENT nogal! As he was about to get off he preaches the shortest and most powerful message ever preached. He says: Just as you got paid for today, Jesus has already paid for all your sins. All you have to do is receive His gift of salvation. He leaves us like that. I am going crazy now. Wow!! Hes Christian no wonder!!! What powerful demonstration of Gods generousity! Fully Paid for! While you are still worried about your little, its FULLY PAID!! Fully forgiven. Fully accepted. I didnt see his face. I so wanted to tell him how incredible he was. I knew Id never ever meet him. I dont even know what he looked like. I just saw the back of his head. Then I was invited for a sleepover by my friend Cassandra. I tell her the story of the most amazing thing that happened the week before. What this guy did! How amazing it was. The family was in the lounge while I was speaking in the kitchen. One of the guys in the family was listening to the story and he responds. Hes like What! That was ME!!! Wow! I was so blown away because I prayed please God let me meet him. I need to tell him how awesome he did. So it was another incredible God of Details moment!!! The young man was none other than the awesome son of the incredible Shelley Gray . His name is none other than Jonathan Gray. A story I shall never forget! God is incredible. Do what He says no matter how wild it seems!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:49:00 +0000

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