ABOUT GOD, WHICH ONLY ABSOLUTELY ENEMY OF GOD CAN DENY How some will things are, are such one level core about them mind structure. It’s like symbiotic hermeneutic inside just pure the will and there get such selfish badness to be happy and live besides it, WHICH say safely to such one symbiotic besides IT, that what is bad is e.vill. They both are will, which value structure is in space without spiritual skill etc. So they, evil and badness, are the power and limit of everything. What they say, is such species culture highness. To them for example the God is something, which they sup-port to be such one and which do to them that everything, which makes them happy. That they themselves have done these words and breed everything to become them extension, is inside them mind the will of God. It is just opinion, which they like and will. There are nothing at all reasons above or supporting such above thinking. They are happy in such unconscious own mind perfect. Gods ruling mind (the structure of really complexity abundance direction in one whole and in such harmony) cannot be something, which don’t understand or what is different than everything else. God contains everything being connected to everything in his creation process work (effect and consequence) and to be one in such direction is to become more near to God like. God direction understands etc. more than less God direction, but the most important thing in present world to understand is, that the God cannot be perfect and care everything, if he is not also “no perfect”. He is also part of all those, who are under perfects, who perfects doesn’t understand, that “not perfects” are part of Gods side extension and when we are relatively in life inside our own life timeshape getting trough experiences in relation to different situations and things, we can find the higher perfect CONSCIOUSNESS only there, where we are relatively on the middle of things. So if you are such, that you can get what you will, or you are out from such, you both cannot become conscious and understand different people and things and them importance, which happens only in relation to such one, who is living on every side of happening and experiences world, where every kind of phenomena’s are existing. Only from there comes right value world, all spiritual skills etc. etc. etc., which such ones cannot find from them head, who are saying, that such women supporting (let´s do, like badness will) pure materially badness (which she is trying to keep symbiotic happy) is like God to women and that evilness “social conscience” (where only the worst will is the order) is like them God order inside them head with all memes and infrastructures, which they have so done to the world. It all is not from God, but only upside down turned Gods Universe Ideas get from 6 and turned to “badnessevils” instrumental level mind and such thinking culture use. And what do the good (not go odd). Makes sure, that all you are on more or less bad situation with me and so that you stay on your own friend’s trough hate me and there on your own party funnel and there under your own kind of winner leaders and from there you ALL can hate me. So you all are safe there and what hates, can also love and even somehow understand. Stay far from me and stay on your own herd, because that herd needs to hear also something else, than what all “herd leadership secret mind” orders. But you ALL must also do something, that you can continue to hate me forever.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 04:33:27 +0000

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