ADMIN NOTE THAT” My name is EMMANUEL ODJONODIA and not ODJONOBA EMMANUEL”. From all investigations and observation on the issue concerning Fidelis Edoja Afisi and Ibru Samuel, We found the duo guilty of misconduct and inappropriate use of language. Unprintable words were freely use against some respected person(s) in this forum and in Isoko at Large. For Ibru Samuel to say (1)“He can see the Ignorance in Admin” is an insult on the personality of Admin . (2) To accuse the Admin of empowering someone to insult a former Chairman without any fact is totally wrong. (3)The Admin was also accused of “EVIL ACT” I wonder the evil act he is talking about. (4) He also threaten the Admin not to push him to the wall, ie if Admin caution him to stop any wrong doing, he can fight him that is a threat to his life. These are few out of so many unprintable language used by Ibru Samuel . As for Fidelis Edoja Afisi, he was more mature on his part but he missed it because of personal interest. We know how he (1) attacked anybody who may want to advice him or say something concerning his master. (2) A bad meat well known in Isoko Land is an insult on the former Chairman as a person . (3) A vote for Iwoma is a Vote for cultism is an accusation on the Person of Iwoma and we all know how the government frowns against Cultism; before you accuse someone please give us facts. ( 4)The former Chairman was recently accused of planning to rig the forth coming councillorship election. Igbide wants development and not accusation and cross accusation. Accusation without fact tarnishes someone’s image. OUR RECOMMENDATIONS The duo should tender unreserved apology within 24 hrs to the Admin, the general forum and to the persons mentioned above whom were accused. Failure to do this they should be suspended for three weeks. This is our submission. SIGNED: ODJONODIA.E. EMMANUEL & GRANDBALL .J.CHOICE CC: ADMIN PRESIDENT
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:18:36 +0000

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