AMAZING testimony from Stacie Hebert... My story is quite - TopicsExpress


AMAZING testimony from Stacie Hebert... My story is quite different than most. I have had Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for 12 years. This time last year I was tested again for everything that a blood test could provide answers for. My symptoms had become worse, for example there were many days that I was in bed at 4:30pm as soon has my husband would get home from work. My body just couldn’t go any more, I had become severely depressed and needed some answers. When the test results came back my doctor, my husband, and I sat in the office for close to an hour reviewing the results. He had never seen anything quite like it. To make a very long story short, along with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, I was diagnosed with being anemic, having Hypothyroidism, Epstein Barr Virus and an internal yeast overgrowth in my digestive tract called Candida. Candida? We’d never heard of it and my doctor wasn’t familiar with the diet I would need to follow. I found the information that I needed online and started the very strict regimented diet that consist of mostly vegetables, fish, and water. No yeast or sugar. I lost about 15-20lbs, which put me near the 100lb mark. I now had to stop the diet and concentrate on gaining my weight back. I was miserable and felt like I was getting no where. It was around February-March when I saw a Plexus Slim sign on someones car. I actually giggled to myself thinking “Well that’s not going to help me!” Eventually I started hearing about Plexus and how it was helping people feel good and actually giving them a boost in their energy levels. But still in my mind “It was a weight loss system.” Then I heard about ProBio5 and it’s benefits for people with Candida. That’s how I became interested in Plexus. As I researched the products I soon learned that it was helping people like me and decided to order ProBio5 and Slim. It only took 1 week for me to start noticing a difference. I became a Plexus Ambassador on May 8th, 2012. When I started, my medicines consisted of150mg Lyrica, Ambien, 30mg Armour (thyroid), 300mg Wellbutrin, 90mg Cymbalta, Sinemet (restless leg),1 gram Valtrex (Epstein Barr Virus), FerraPlus 90 (iron), and 30mg Adderall. As the days went on I could not believe how great I felt. I can not express to you or explain to you the difference in the way I was feeling. Before I discovered Plexus, my doctor gave me a scale from 1-10, 1 being perfectly healthy, the normal person and 10 being the complete opposite. He explained to me that I would never get passed 8. This is where Plexus works differently for me. Instead of suppressing my appetite and controlling binge eating, I am actually hungry and gaining weight. Plexus has changed my life in so many ways. I have more energy and stamina. I am now only taking half my dose of Cymbalta (30mg)and (150mg) Wellbutrin. I don’t even take the Sinemet anymore and most days I can go without taking the Adderall. I am very passionate about all of the products and strive to introduce the possibilities of them to others.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:07:41 +0000

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