AN OPEN LETTER TO OPEN CARRY A$$HOLES - GO F#CK YOURSELVES!!! >:-( (Im a wee bit pissed, so Ill ask your forgiveness in advance for the coarse language in this post. Thank you.) ________________________ How is it that you open carry dipshits do not realize that you are hurting the advancement of the 2A agenda, not helping it? Why do you not understand that you cannot desensitize ordinary, non gun toting citizens by forcing them to be exposed to you parading around with your long guns in public again and again like it is show and tell day at your kindergarten? An openly carried handgun is silly enough, but long guns in the bread aisle at Safeway is down right ridiculous. When you see a law enforcement officer in public with his guns, you know hes a good guy by the uniform. When you see military personnel in public with their guns, you can tell they are good guys because they are in United States military uniforms, conducting official United States military business. When you see a detective or a plain clothes cop in public with a gun, you also see a badge on a lanyard or on their belt next to their gun, and you know that you are looking at a good guy. But when your frumpy ass waltzes into the store or restaurant with a long gun dangling across your belly because its time to score some grub and an ice cold Mt. Dew to satisfy the monster appetite you just worked up from your epic, marathon session of Call of Duty that youve been playing with your fellow internet ninjas and online SF operators, you dont look like a good guy. You look like a douche bag. (Yes, I do love run-on sentences. That one may be a personal record for me, actually.) The imitation cheese that you dripped onto the front of your shirt from the plate of nachos that your Mom microwaved for you so you wouldnt have to pause Halo 3, well, that doesnt look like a badge to me, Sparky. If Im in line with my family, waiting to place our food orders, and your dumb asses come through the door with your rifles hanging off of your necks like one of Snoop Doggs necklaces, were taking cover, getting ready to draw our legally CONCEALED handguns, and looking for the best opportunity to shoot you directly in the face. Hopefully we figure out that you arent looking to commit a felony in the restaurant, and in fact, youre actually just trying to satisfy your munchies from smoking green dope and playing video games for 32 hours straight before my wife and I mistakenly shoot you stupid bastards directly in the face. And you doorknobs that sling your rifles across your backs, muzzle down, while youre trying to decide what muffin you want to order from the coffee shop pastry case....... Really? Really? What are you going to do with that? Lets see....... we have low ready, we have ready, we have high ready, and now we have this new position well call behind ready. Uhhhhhhh, no. Stop it. Right now. Youre exposing your extraordinarily low IQ unnecessarily. I know, I know, you dont want to appear threatening to the general public. Maybe if you carry your long guns in this new behind ready position, youll look like youre just making a political statement as opposed to preparing to commit a felony. Quit it. Youre embarrassing your mother with that nonsense. Listen, Howard Schultz and Starbucks tried to be accommodating. They tried to stay neutral. But you asswipes had to force the issue and make them finally take a position. Shocking! It wasnt the position you had hoped for. WOW!!! NOBODY saw that coming. Next you totally screwed the pooch with Chipotle. And now you have f#cked Target up for the rest of us. Can I send you freakin Einsteins a list of the stores and restaurants that we used to like to frequent so you can just get it over with and wear out your welcome with all of them, and completely mess it up for the rest of us in the 2A community? Are you even pro second amendment conservatives? Maybe you are actually liberal, anti gunners posing as open carry activists so you can sabotage our legitimate 2A advancement agenda. Youre doing a damn good job of it. Newsflash, dickhead: this isnt the old west, and youre damn sure not Doc Holliday. Stop trying to pretend that you are. Concealed carry keeps the element of surprise on your side. The bad guy doesnt know that you are a responsibly armed citizen. Hes not inclined to beat you up and take your lunch money and your AR-15 when he doesnt know that you are carrying. LAWFUL CONCEALED CARRY - what a crazy concept! Who would of thunk it? Oh, wait, they dont do that lawful concealed carry stuff in Black Ops. Awwww, never mind then. I dont actually know any of these open carry activist delta bravos, but I would invite everyone who reads this to share it. Sooner or later it will make its way into the view of some open carry assh0le, uhhh, I mean activist, and he will want to pipe up and enter into the debate. Im dying to hear what makes these knuckleheads tick. Im waiting on the edge of my seat to hear why they believe that they can gain acceptance, and ultimately support, by cramming open carry down the general publics throat. P.S. At the risk of being openly hypocritical, I would almost, just almost support open carry in areas that concealed carry is absolutely not going to be permitted by law. But really, if you live in a communist area of this country, you need to move your ass out of there. This is America. You are free to move about the country. Leave the commies and isolate them in their communes. Get yourself to a free state where you can lawfully carry concealed as you darn well please. Whatever you do, just dont screw up anymore good places to eat or shop for the rest of us. Please. Were begging you.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 05:15:03 +0000

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