ANYONE RECALL WHO THEY ARE RIOTING AGAINST? THE POLICE! All across the nation right now, there are shots being fired, buildings being burned, and violence taking place. Worse, is this was a direct result of Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s directive to Al Sharpton. For whatever INSANE reason Obama chose Al Sharpton to act as his liaison to the black community. Earlier this week during a meeting between Obama and Sharpton, even AFTER it was learned that members of the BLACK COMMUNITY came forward and testified AGAINST Michael Brown, Obama instructed Sharpton to, “STAY THE COURSE!” WHAT? WHEN OBAMA GAVE THAT DIRECTIVE BOTH HE AND SHARPTON ALREADY KNEW DAMN WELL THAT IF OFFICER WILSON WAS TO GET ACQUITTED LATER IN THE WEEK, IT WOULD NOT BE BASED ON RACE, YET OBAMA DIRECTED SHARPTON TO “STAY THE COURSE ANYWAY???” IN OTHER WORDS: KEEP STOKING THE FLAMES AL! LONG before the chaos coming from the verdict there have been PLENTY of other stories that should have given rise to HUGE concerns. Some of those being: Black Leaders’ List of Demands: Pay Up Or Face The Consequences Ferguson Gang Leader: Holder Paid Us to Start Riots! Eric Holder Sends “Community Organizers” to Help the Race Protests Report: Justice Dept Backed Trayvon Martin Rallies Holder Tells Ferguson, “CHANGE IS COMING…” DESPITE some of THOSE reports, or even the one about there being a BOUNTY ON OFFICER WILSON within the blackk community in Ferguson, there is no mention of the Department of Injustice PROVOKING the American people in this D.H.S. report. There is only mention of the patriots at Cliven Bundy’s ranch. That speaks directly to my comments in previous posts about the NEWLY REVISED ARMY MANUAL THAT AUTHORIZES THE ARMY TO FIRE ON PEACEFUL PROTESTORS HERE ON AMERICAN SOIL. While a growing band of savages demand the lynching of a POLICE OFFICER go completely ignored, D.H.S. is focused on groups like the Tea Party. TAKE A LOOK AND YOU CAN SEE WHY THEY ARE CONCERNED: TEA PARTY PROTESTS… READ ON...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:00:01 +0000

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