APPEARANCE OF TWO HIRANYAGARBHA GOLDEN LINGAMS with SatGuru Sri Swami Vishwananda The Hiranyagarbha Lingam, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam, is the Primordial Creation of God, the Will of God Itself; all in all the Soul of Narayana... The Nights of Shivaratri 2011 with Sri Swami Vishwananda will be remembered as most extraordinary and auspicious. Most importantly, it will forever be associated with the rarest birth of two Hiranyagarbha Golden Lingams on 2nd and 3rd of March. Hiranya means imperishable substance or Golden and garbha means womb, egg or the interior of anything. Thus, the Hiranyagarbha Lingam is known as the Golden Egg, it is the most important of all Lingams and its appearance for our physical eyes is extremely rare. And even rarer - in fact there is no known account of such an occurrence in recent history -- is the parallel appearance of TWO Hiranyagarbha Lingams. SatGuru Swami Vishwananda: They are the two eyes of Narayana. They symbolize the unity of the force of the two hemispheres of the world and the Universe, which is governed by these two cosmic energies, which is the female and the male energy, which makes everything come into manifestation. The two Lingams symbolize these two cosmic energies: Shiva-Shakti, Lakshmi-Narayan, Brahma-Vishnu. Lord Narayana shows that all is present within Himself. The Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer is only Him. The big I is only Him. There is no You... nothing exists other than Himself. Swami explains that only because of our pride and ego we think we are the doers. Identify yourself with the higher spirit of the cosmic energy which is inside of you. This will help you to burn all your negative karma, pride and ego which is inside of you, this will rise you toward your true Self. Do the Manas Puja (worship in the mind) inside your mind. Let your mind transcend the duality of what you see. Let it merge into the sublime and know that it is only Him who exists inside of you. So do it through the mind. It is very difficult to control, but not impossible to control. When you sit for meditation, see the Lingam inside and outside of you. The presence of the Hiranyagarbha Lingam let alone the presence of two is a great blessing not only for those who are present in that moment of birth, but also for the whole world, a gesture from the Cosmic Father, who always takes care of His children. The Hiranyagarbha Lingam, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam, is the Primordial Creation of God, the Will of God Itself; all in all the Soul of Narayana. Even if it seems so small like this, it has the whole universe inside of it. Even if it seems small in the outside, we are all inside of it. Shivaratri is about forgetting about your mind. Many of devotees who came to Shree Peetha Nilaya, Springen Germany, on 3-4 March 2011 to celebrate the Great Night of Shivaratri, spent the entire night chanting the Divine Name to awaken the Divine Consciousness and Love inside of Themselves, to awaken Lord Shiva and Lord Pandurenga. Many prayed throughout the whole night, a night that offers the grace of God like no other night during the whole year. The humility of the Heart is what will make things happen. He will reveal himself to you. Forget about the mind. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, PANDURANGA HARI HARI PANDURANGA HARI HARI PANDURANGA VITTALA VITTALA PANDURANGAAAA!!!! Bhakti Marga (meaning path of devotion to God) stands for a family of individuals from all over the world who dedicate their life foremost to God. The main center is located in Springen, Germany. Sri Swami Vishwananda is a spiritual master from the island of Mauritius and founder of Bhakti Marga. For more information visit youtube/watch?v=khbZQk8WwWg
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 11:09:34 +0000

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