APRIL FOOLS DAY (is tomorrow do not participate) ***Share this - TopicsExpress


APRIL FOOLS DAY (is tomorrow do not participate) ***Share this with you friends. Its important. Exodus 20vs16, Numbers 23vs19, e.t.c Satan is very clever hey. He created a scene or event where even christians will attract themselves and sin against their GOD and feel so comfortable about that. Lying is not allowed by GOD as the eighth says, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (Exodus 20:16). However, satan created the APRIL FOOLS DAY where people will be lying and fooling each other but feels so comfortable with that. We should be like our father GOD who do not lie. Tell me, so do you mean if GOD sees nothing wrong about April Fools Day so does it mean that he will be off on the 1st of April? The bible says on Numbers 23vs19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent. Ask yourself the same question Job asked himself on Job 24:25, when he asked...who will make me a liar, and make my speech nothing worth?. Therefore a real christian should ask him/herself SHOULD APRIL FOOLS DAY MAKE ME LIE BEFORE GOD????? From the name itself, April FOOLS Day, it raises many questions on who exactly this occasion was created for? FOOLS!!!!! Are you a FOOL? Here is what the bible says about FOOLS, Psalms 14&53vs1, The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is no GOD. Therefore by participating on the APRIL FOOLS DAY you will be denying GOD. The danger of participating on the day is as said on, Psalms 24:4-5, He…who hath not…sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD,. You have been waiting for something from GOD dont decieve your blessing by participating on the APRIL FOOLS DAY. Dont participate for the APRIL FOOLS DAY occassion. Leave the day for the FOOLS and remain righteous before GOD. Amen!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:19:21 +0000

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