ARE YOU HEARING FROM GOD ? “Then Moses said to the Lord.” Ex - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU HEARING FROM GOD ? “Then Moses said to the Lord.” Ex 33:12 NKJV Throughout the book of Exodus we read these two statements: “The Lord said to Moses,” and “Moses said to the people.” There’s an important lesson here. Until you have heard from God, what do you have to say to anybody else that’s worth consideration? Does that mean God won’t use your brain? No, when your thoughts and desires are submitted to Him He will actually think and speak through you. What a privilege. The trouble is, we want to speak without first consulting God and hearing from Him. The people Moses had been called to lead hadn’t heard from God for four hundred years. After ten generations of living without God’s Word, can you imagine the shape they were in spiritually? If you want to know how such a mindset will act, look at their responses every time they had a problem in the wilderness. They wanted to go back to the security of Egypt! This is one of the dangers you will face as a leader. You must love people and listen to them, but you must be led only by God. And unless you know God intimately, when times get tough people will take you back to what’s familiar and comfortable to them. When people want to go back to their old way of doing things, it’s usually because they don’t know God well enough. The litmus test of spiritual leadership is found in the ability to hear from God, then teach people to love God, discern His will, and begin to walk according to it!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 12:06:40 +0000

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