After the final episode of How I Met Your Mother aired on Monday I - TopicsExpress


After the final episode of How I Met Your Mother aired on Monday I could not stop myself from writing my personal view on the end of its iconic run. If you did not get a chance to watch the episode and are planning on watching it in the future please do not read this; it is too good of a show to ruin it for yourself. Spoiler alert (duh) I have not had the privilege to watch How I Met Your Mother from its beginnings. I started watching it periodically when it was on TV, mainly right after I got back from an average middle and high school day, my love for the show and its characters drove me to marathon through it on Netflix. How I Met Your Mother has had its ups and their down, but the main focus of this rant is on the last two episode which aired on Monday 3-31-2014. As I watched both episodes I find myself just smiling uncontrollably; there were so many iconic moments packed so tightly into 42 minutes of show time. I loved both episodes, but when the final bell struck and that easily recognizable credits sequence came on I was truly speechless. Some highlights during the Episodes were definitely memorable, some were funny some were tear jerkers. When Barney and Ted did the super high five I loved it, but the best moment was when Barney saw his daughter for the very first time. Such an emotional scene, acted perfectly and it was so surprising. I honestly did not see Robin and Ted getting together at the end simply because she was always labeled as Aunt Robin, so when this happened it blew my mind. This idea must have been in the working for a very long time because the child actors who play Ted’s kids are a lot older now, which means they filmed that segment years ago. Sneaky bastards I want to put it on record that I truly enjoyed both episodes and I am so glad that I have spent countless hours watching this Show, but I am now going to talk about the arguably negatives about the finale. Why did they portray Robin as such a bad person. I went from loving her to hating her in a matter of the first 20 minute show? This made me angry because I did not want to hate Robin, but she brought such negativity to the last two episodes. As I said before I was speechless at the end, but I couldnt tell if it was a good speechless or a bad one. Both Episodes were great, but I found myself asking so many questions. There were probably more major life moments in the last two episodes than there were in the previous eight seasons and everything seemed glossed over. These complex ideas and events were smashed and crammed into 5 minute scenes. All I could think about after the finale was how the creators and writers dragged out the few days before Barney and Robin’s Wedding for 22 episodes and then cram all of this stuff into a 42 minute segment?!?!?!? I was almost outraged when this point crossed my mind; the first half of the season was poor, uneventful, and unamusing and it continued for another 10 episodes. Why not have Barney and Robin’s wedding ceremony at the half season finale and then expand on the events that transpired during the last two episodes. How is Barney handling a child, who is girl #31 the mother of his child, are they together, how does barney act when his daughter is starting to date considering he was so terrible to women, what was Rome like for Marshall and Lily, how is being a judge, how is being in the supreme court, why does robin become such a ghost, does robin like traveling for her job, how is the group relationship truly affected when all of these huge moments happen. These are just some questions that could have been answered if they writers would have changed it up. My last point focuses on the mother Tracy McConnell (to me the name doesnt fit the person). 8 and 23/24 seasons have been focused on this mysterious women, the writers have constantly been dodging the ultimate goal of the show for many years and they decide to end it the way they did? The lack of screen time by the Mother lead to the relationship between Ted and Tracy not believable on screen which, in turn, lead to a very bland goodbye to her character. Now maybe this is what the Writers wanted, they wanted the viewer to be unattached so that when the time came to off her character it would be a smooth transition, but as a viewer I didn’t want that. I have close to 70 hours trying to figure out who this “Mother” is and all they do is barely write her into the story, kill her off and don’t have Ted show any emotion toward his wife dying of some disease the writers are too lazy to tell you about? This was the one thing about the Final episode that left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s fine that she died because their ultimate goal was to get Robin and Ted together, but the lack of time and effort put into this character that was basically the center of the show made me mad. Maybe I feel this way because I have become so attached to these characters, maybe it’s because I am a screen junkie or maybe it’s because I really don’t like goodbyes, all I know is it has been one hell of a run and I am so glad that I could go on this journey with each and every one of the characters on the show. Having a show end always brings up controversy, but in my mind I am more or less satisfied with the way it went out. How I Met Your Mother left on a high note and it will always be my go to show on Netlfix if I ever need a quick laugh or I just want to re-experience the episodes. Thank you How I Met Your Mother for teaching me life lessons and to make every day Legen – wait for it – dary.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:12:18 +0000

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